that darn dog ...grrrr

stubedoo Posts: 5
edited April 2011 in MTB general
i went riding in sutton park today, after sitting for a while by the stream, i got on my bike to ride up a hill, this dog runs up the side of me runs around the front of my bike then bites my leg ! :evil: the owner was at the bottom of the hill,i yelled "put your dog on a lead!" then, "you`re dog f**king bit me"
Then 10 mins later i saw her again,when she saw me ,she turned & walked in another direction.

I sat down & had a look at my leg,it was wasnt bleeding but there was a mark ,then i noticed 2 holes in my jeans !! & dog saliva.then i really was pissed. so i rode after her, stopped her & said "your dog bit my leg ,theres 2 holes in my jeans" then i showed her my jeans & mark on my leg, she says " are you sure it was my dog" the cheeky cow,i said "yes i`m SURE!" i said i want some compensation,money for new jeans,she says "i`ll give you my phone number "i knew she was bull**iting me, so i turned,started to ride away ,raised my voice & said "forget it,keep your dog on a f**king lead." :evil:

Has anyone else had something like this happen? i wish i could of done something differant really, but aside from grabbing her & threatening for compensation,(which i wouldnt of done),i dont know what i could of done......... :roll:

what would other people of done?



  • cooldad
    cooldad Posts: 32,599
    I would say shouting and swearing at someone is not the right way to deal with it.
    I don't do smileys.

    There is no secret ingredient - Kung Fu Panda

    London Calling on Facebook

  • cooldad wrote:
    I would say shouting and swearing at someone is not the right way to deal with it.

    yes, just watch as the dog eats you :roll:

    I nearly ran some woman over on bike when i was riding along the road and she and her husband just decided to walk across road without looking :roll:

    then wonder why i give them a mouthfull when i have to slam on brakes to avoid them in the middle of road.....

    wonder what would of happened if i hit her, probally get blamed for not looking where i was riding,
    London2Brighton Challange 100k!
  • cooldad
    cooldad Posts: 32,599
    The OP shouted and swore when he met her again 10 minutes later. In the heat of the moment it's excusable, but later on, I still maintain it's not the right way to deal with it.
    And the dog didn't eat him, didn't actually beak the skin.
    I'm not excusing idiot dog owners, but shouting and swearing doesn't solve anything unless you want to get on Jeremy Kyle.
    I don't do smileys.

    There is no secret ingredient - Kung Fu Panda

    London Calling on Facebook

  • Raymondavalon
    Raymondavalon Posts: 5,346
    The OP is a phallus cranium who gives cyclists a bad name
    I agree it's not good to be chased and/or bitten by a dog, but attitude is contagious, try and make yours worth catching...
  • Fenred
    Fenred Posts: 428
    I think we've all experienced the curse of the DW's!!

    My ride yesterday in the woods led to a face to face encounter with a dirty great doberman dead ahead of me on the trail, we both stopped dead gazing at each other, no sign of the owner, my a*se started to feel a little twitchy I can tell you!! Then the owner appeared and put the menace on its leash and let me past, she was polite (and quite hot) so I was polite back but imo all dogs should be on those retractable leads.....which reminds me, a few weeks ago on my road bike a couple were walking their 'rat on a retractable lead" along the pavement and as they couldnt hear any cars (and my bike is dead silent) were letting this thing wander out into the middle of the road! I just swerved, threw a filthy look and shook my head in digust.

    Dogs, or more to the point their owners can be a PITA but f'ing and being abusive isnt the way forward despite a barrage of abuse being high on the response list!!
  • Buckled_Rims
    Buckled_Rims Posts: 1,648
    There's very few bad dogs, just cretinous owners!

    I hate the attitude of the owner seeing a bike and suddenly grabbing the dog and shielding it from you. This makes the dog nervous and protective to the owner. Result is a dog who hates bikers. It would be much better to train the dog to sit and wait.

    As for the OP, well you have my sympathy. I've had loads of problems hill walking and biking with ill disciplined dogs. I would have taken her phone number and took a photo of her and her dog, the scene where it happened and any injuries. Give a few hours to cool down and then decide whether to pursue or not. At least she will be sweating a bit.
    Kona Jake the Snake
    Merlin Malt 4
  • cooldad
    cooldad Posts: 32,599
    attitude is contagious, try and make yours worth catching...

    Oprah would be proud of you.
    I don't do smileys.

    There is no secret ingredient - Kung Fu Panda

    London Calling on Facebook

  • bentes
    bentes Posts: 286
    I don't know the laws in the UK but in Portugal it's forbidden to walk a dog without a lead. So if I was the OP I'd get her number or call the police.

    There is a place in one of my routes where I pass by some houses and one of them has a dog in the garden. This would be ok but the house has no outside wall nor gate, so the dog is just loose. When I first passed there, I was chased and stoped by the dog until the owner came by to get it. "You should have your dog on a lead." I said. "I'm sorry, won't hapen again." She said. On the next day I passed there again and the same hapened. This time I told her: "The next time I pass here and your dog is loose, I'll call the police!".

    Third time: Dog on a lead, can still protect the property but can't get out. Result.
  • cooldad
    cooldad Posts: 32,599
    OP - dialling 999 - 'there's someone walking their dog without a lead, arrest them.'
    PC Plod - 'fark off OP'

    Buckled Rims advice is sensible.
    I don't do smileys.

    There is no secret ingredient - Kung Fu Panda

    London Calling on Facebook

  • bentes
    bentes Posts: 286
    cooldad wrote:
    OP - dialling 999 - 'there's someone walking their dog without a lead, arrest them.'
    PC Plod - 'fark off OP'

    Buckled Rims advice is sensible.

    If you call the police and claim you're being attacked by a dog they won't do a thing?
  • cooldad
    cooldad Posts: 32,599
    bentes wrote:
    cooldad wrote:
    OP - dialling 999 - 'there's someone walking their dog without a lead, arrest them.'
    PC Plod - 'fark off OP'

    Buckled Rims advice is sensible.

    If you call the police and claim you're being attacked by a dog they won't do a thing?
    If you call 999, claim you are, but are not you they would probably be a bit miffed.
    I don't do smileys.

    There is no secret ingredient - Kung Fu Panda

    London Calling on Facebook

  • wordnumb
    wordnumb Posts: 847
    Photograph any injury asap. Get a car reg or address, photo of the dog and owner helps. Contact your local council's Dog Warden and don't exaggerate in any statements you give.
  • bentes
    bentes Posts: 286
    cooldad wrote:
    bentes wrote:
    cooldad wrote:
    OP - dialling 999 - 'there's someone walking their dog without a lead, arrest them.'
    PC Plod - 'fark off OP'

    Buckled Rims advice is sensible.

    If you call the police and claim you're being attacked by a dog they won't do a thing?
    If you call 999, claim you are, but are not you they would probably be a bit miffed.

    Yes, that's true, but in OPs case he was attacked. If I want the law on my side, the last thing I'd do is lie... :lol:
  • concorde
    concorde Posts: 1,008
    Run the dog over or welly it so she can see it flying in to some near by pond.
  • Buckled_Rims
    Buckled_Rims Posts: 1,648
    Concorde wrote:
    Run the dog over or welly it so she can see it flying in to some near by pond.

    Yeah and get done for cruelty to animals. Your name goes in the local newspaper and some animal rights member will soon firebomb your house!

    OR, inform the police, then take out a personal prosecution for £1500 damages and when won, go out and buy a new bike!

    Guess which of those scenarios gets my vote?
    Kona Jake the Snake
    Merlin Malt 4
  • NatoED
    NatoED Posts: 480
    or pet the nice doggy and take it away from it's nasty owner that didn't train it properly. Then harness it's power to pull you uphills renting it out on uplift days.
  • tenfoot
    tenfoot Posts: 226
    I have had a dog clamp it's jaws around my leg, but fortunately not bite down. The owner was very apologetic, but it's not nice.

    Once or twice owners have almost made out it's my fault because the didn't hear me coming.

    Bloomin dogs, they should be on a lead.
  • cooldad
    cooldad Posts: 32,599
    As the Op states the only damage was a couple of holes and some drool on his jeans, and the skin wasn't actually broken, I doubt damages would be that high.
    Maybe just enough to buy a nice Apollo.
    I don't do smileys.

    There is no secret ingredient - Kung Fu Panda

    London Calling on Facebook

  • I was flying through the park the afternoon to a group ride and I made sure I took a wide line round the family with the child and the dog (which wasn't on a lead) , I then make sure I say a polite afternoon to the couple before taking of up the hill, the dog then bombs after me nipping at my heels and barking so I slowed down then the stupid thing runs in front of me so I shouted at it and told it if it ran in front of me I will run it over and it will damage my bike and I will then proceed in beating it up :D .

    GT Zaskar mmmmm yummy!
  • Raymondavalon
    Raymondavalon Posts: 5,346
    cooldad wrote:
    attitude is contagious, try and make yours worth catching...

    Oprah would be proud of you.

    No she wouldn't...
  • philcube
    philcube Posts: 45
    on sunday i was riding my local route, i came across a couple walking their dog (a little fluffy thing with 2 inch legs) so i slowed down and passed carefully by, however the dog was still spooked by me and nearly jumped out of its fluffy little skin.
    this prompted the male of the couple (probably to look 'hard' infront of his missus) to mutter "idiot bike riders" as i rode on.
    so i decided he needed to be brought down a peg or two, so turned around and 'politely' pointed out that the route in question is part of the national cycle network, not the national dog walking network, and that he should remeber this before having a go at the next rider that would probably be coming past in the next 5 minutes. the look on his face was priceless. 1-0 to the bikers! lol
  • concorde
    concorde Posts: 1,008
    Concorde wrote:
    Run the dog over or welly it so she can see it flying in to some near by pond.

    Yeah and get done for cruelty to animals. Your name goes in the local newspaper and some animal rights member will soon firebomb your house!

    OR, inform the police, then take out a personal prosecution for £1500 damages and when won, go out and buy a new bike!

    Guess which of those scenarios gets my vote?

    Done by who? Nobody would catch you? Just like nobody will be there to catch the dog!
  • bellys
    bellys Posts: 456
    At the end of the day would you want to walk on a lead....Well some of you might. :oops:

    my dog runs at the side of my bike NOT ON THE LEAD in my local park if im near a rode i put him on lead and walk....

    when im out walking him off the lead if i see a bike i call him back and make him sit at my side untill they pass.

    most of the time its the owner thats at in the wrong not the dog they need to train the dog..

    iv never been chased by a dog so i can not comment on how i would react untill it happends.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    cooldad wrote:
    The OP shouted and swore when he met her again 10 minutes later. In the heat of the moment it's excusable, but later on, I still maintain it's not the right way to deal with it.
    Too bloody right. I agree with you 100%.
    the RIGHT way to deal with it is to pin the owner to the floor and eat the skin from their face, then rape the dog. They won't do it again.
  • I used to detest both dogs and their owners(I even had a monumental thread started in Commuting 4 yrs ago about it) which ruined my 4mile EW commute through scenic Perth by the river Tay. Now I'm the owner of a 7 month old collie and live rurally but whenever in town the dog is on a lead, and always on an NCN route. The dog really isn't to blame in the OP's case- despite best efforts ours still wants to chase cars so never gets near them off lead.
    It's purely a total lack of consideration by the owners- most of who don't ever hear you approach as they listen to their iPod/mp3, text, smoke a spliff.
    It's the dog owners that also cycle/run that can appreciate that they should not really be off lead on shared routes- but I also slow right down now cos I appreciate how easily a dog can be spooked and their herding instincts. 8)
    What irritates me most is folk who bag their dogs crap then leave it hanging from a branch or at the side of a path....
  • concorde
    concorde Posts: 1,008
    Why are people saying the dog isn't at fault. None of us are saying it is.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    It's purely a total lack of consideration by the owners- most of who don't ever hear you approach as they listen to their iPod/mp3, text, smoke a spliff.
    Oh my god. Smoking a spliff? What a heinous crime. You're right, it is impossible to hear what is around you as you smoke a good bit of weed.
  • cooldad
    cooldad Posts: 32,599
    It's purely a total lack of consideration by the owners- most of who don't ever hear you approach as they listen to their iPod/mp3, text, smoke a spliff.
    Oh my god. Smoking a spliff? What a heinous crime. You're right, it is impossible to hear what is around you as you smoke a good bit of weed.

    That's probably why you want to eat faces and rape dogs - never seen Reefer Madness?
    I don't do smileys.

    There is no secret ingredient - Kung Fu Panda

    London Calling on Facebook

  • Johnny Napalm
    Johnny Napalm Posts: 1,458
    I once got bit by a dog on the way home from work...a bloody great Alsatian. The guy didn't have it on a lead and the thing just jumped up at me and bit my side near my ribs. I was kind of shocked at first and before I knew what had happened the guy disappeared. I reported it to the police on my way home because it was a public place where families regularly walked and kids rode their bikes. If the same dog had acted the same way towards a child on a bike, I dread to think of what the outcome would've been.

    Turns out the dog was a guard dog, which the owner saw fit to walk around without a lead. The next day, on my my way to work, I saw the exact same dog guarding a property which I passed every day, so I informed the police who said they would look into it, which they must've done because I never saw that dog ever again after that.

    When I was out last weekend a dog decided to chase me as I left the woods. I figured that if the dog wanted to chase me onto the main road, which is where I was heading, then so be it. If the owners don't want a flat dog, then they should put it on a lead.
    SS Inbred
    Mongoose Teocali Super