Full Suspension Advice

yorkshire_man Posts: 85
edited April 2011 in MTB buying advice
After being heartbroken and having my bike stolen last week i have claimed on my insurance and i will have over 2k to spend on a new bike very soon.

I had a Hardtail before but really wanted a Full Sus but could never afford or justify it, this gives me the perfect opputunity to now.

I've narrowed it down to a couple and just wanted on an opinion on them?

I'm looking at the Trek Remedy 7, Cube AMS 150 Race, Specialized Enduro Comp or Orange 5 S.

I initially was dead set on the Remedy but having seen the spec you get for similar money with the Cube its put me in a dilemma.

I'm looking for a good all round bike that i can chuck anything at, bit of DH, bit of XC and something i can take to the local jumps too! The Talas fork on the Cube again makes it look the most suitable as its the most versatile.

Any help will be appreciated cheers :)


  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    This is a healthy budget: all are decent choices, and I would certainly try and test them to see what suits best.

    They have varying suspension platforms an geometry, some of which you might like better than others.
  • Yes, am eager to try them all out though my lbs dont have that particular Cube actually in stock at the moment!

    Any user experiences of any of these?
  • adiggers
    adiggers Posts: 67
    what about also
    http://www.evanscycles.com/products/lap ... e-ec024838
    i find these a damn sexy bike
  • paul20v
    paul20v Posts: 267
    i run a 5
    and have had a few other full suspension bikes (the last being a 09 meta 5.5 )
    compared to what i have run the 5 does every thing i want it was a bike that i felt i had owned for years and was instantly comfortable
    this ultimately leads too me saying it doesnt matter what anyone says you have to try the bikes yourself as we all want different things from a bike and we are all different shapes and lengths and have different riding techniques.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    At that price range, you're not going to find any stinkers really, so go with what you like, and what feels best after a test ride.
  • twin3
    twin3 Posts: 48
    Take a look on the canyon website you will get some fine bike for that sort of money... canyon nerve am 7 or 8.
    "The way i see it ,if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain"....
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    twin3 wrote:
    Take a look on the canyon website you will get some fine bike for that sort of money... canyon nerve am 7 or 8.
    Have you ridden one, or seen one in the flesh? A good spec is one thing, riding well is another.
  • Shaggy_Dog
    Shaggy_Dog Posts: 688
    I've ridden the Canyon Nerve XC 9.0 (the WMB bike of the year winner) and was blown away by the spec for the money. Finish is disappointing in real life.

    That said, it's probably the best descending 120mm bike I've ever ridden, I'd say it's as good as a Fuel EX when the trail points down but nowhere near as good when the trail points up, even with all those fancy gears.

    The DRCV needs to be ridden to be believed, easily makes up for Trek comparatively poor spec.
    I had to beat them to death with their own shoes...
    HiFi Pro Carbon '09

    LTS DH '96

    The Mighty Dyna-Sore - The 90's?
  • canyon are very good bikes, read the latest reviews, everywhere they are winning best bikes for value and money. WMTB bikeradar all give canyon top marks so they are good.

    and with 2k you get some crazy good specs...

    or another road would be getting the best hardtail fork out therewhen you buy top alium hardtail, for around £1700 i think
    London2Brighton Challange 100k!
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    But you're reccomending things on word of mouth.
  • Shaggy_Dog
    Shaggy_Dog Posts: 688
    and with 2k you get some crazy good specs...

    Should've gone to specsavers
    I had to beat them to death with their own shoes...
    HiFi Pro Carbon '09

    LTS DH '96

    The Mighty Dyna-Sore - The 90's?
  • Eranu
    Eranu Posts: 712
    I'd look at the Stereo instead of the AMS from the Cube Range. The Stereo has two step forks so you can drop the front for more 'XC' type riding if you so wish.

    Like the crazy Welsh guys says you need to try them. I tried quite a few bikes before being boring and getting another Cube.

    You could also look at the Zesty which personally I didn't like but many other people on here rave about.
  • But you're reccomending things on word of mouth.

    I think you should read the reviews and the forum posts from people who have them, also speak to people who use the trails with them and i will promise they all got good things to say about their bikes.

    the only negative is that you cant test them out, so you cant really bash them that much tbh
    London2Brighton Challange 100k!
  • The Rookie
    The Rookie Posts: 27,816
    Without doubt the zesty is the sexiest looking bike at that price.......

    Now is that word of mouth or have I 'tried it' by looking at them......... :roll:

    The advice to try is sound, but you can't do that with the Canyon, although I have to say all the reviews I've seen have been A1 (Not doubting a new owners integrity but someone who has just bought a sparkly new bike tends to look at it through rose tinted specsaver specials...)

    Currently riding a Whyte T130C, X0 drivetrain, Magura Trail brakes converted to mixed wheel size (homebuilt wheels) with 140mm Fox 34 Rhythm and RP23 suspension. 12.2Kg.
  • Shaggy_Dog
    Shaggy_Dog Posts: 688
    But you're reccomending things on word of mouth.

    I think you should read the reviews and the forum posts from people who have them, also speak to people who use the trails with them and i will promise they all got good things to say about their bikes.

    the only negative is that you cant test them out, so you cant really bash them that much tbh

    Yeehaa is bashing you, not the bike.
    I had to beat them to death with their own shoes...
    HiFi Pro Carbon '09

    LTS DH '96

    The Mighty Dyna-Sore - The 90's?
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Shaggy_Dog wrote:
    Yeehaa is bashing you, not the bike.
    They might be the bargain of the century, but they may also ride like a bag o' shite. Because you've never ridden one, you won't know, so it's kind of dumb to reccomend them to others.
    Sure, you could suggest they take them into consideration, but to reccomend them is just, dumb.
  • I've taken a good look at the Canyon and its awesome value but i'm extremely hesitant to drop that much on something i've never sat on! Plus i dont even know if the insurance company will pay up for one there more inclined to go with big name stores and my lbs's.

    The Lapierre is nice but too garish for me, sure its a sexy bike and has a good spec its not my cup of tea at all.

    I'm waiting for a couple of my lbs's to get a Remedy 7 in and the Cube as those are the two i am most interested in. Also am off this aft to sit on an Orange Five again as my lbs says he can do me the Pro model a bit cheaper.
  • ljs1977
    ljs1977 Posts: 247
    Mate, try the Stereo out. I have just bought one as my first full suss and it rocks MY world. It may not be your cup o tea but I think it is the best thing since sliced bread.

  • I'm going to see if i can try a Stereo out too as its the right price frame, but on first look i am leaning to the Talas RLC fork on the AMS rather than the 2 step Rev on the stereo.

    Everything could change as soon as i sit my arse on one of them! :D
  • Spesh Enduro Expert on it's way! Insurance decided to give me more than I thought so plumped for the Expert and a load of bits to go will post pics when it arrives it's coming from wheelies not got any experience of them what do people think?