Zipp 404 Ebay

s_walker9 Posts: 22
edited April 2011 in Road buying advice
Been looking at picking up some new Zipp 404s and ebay seems to be the cheapest way to get a new wheelset at a decent price, can anyone offer any advice, pitfalls etc?

Is it a big No No?

Price is around the £1000 mark give or take a couple of hundred.



  • Ciclicasati
    Ciclicasati Posts: 740
    Not seen new 404's on ebay only 2nd hand.
  • bobtbuilder
    bobtbuilder Posts: 1,537
    I'd say usual Ebay sense applies:

    Check their feedback, pay with Paypal, ask as many questions as you need beforehand, etc.
  • c0ugars
    c0ugars Posts: 202
    I think Ebay is a great place to pick stuff up at a cheaper price, just aslong as you use common sense, when bidding and buying things.
  • Pokerface
    Pokerface Posts: 7,960
    Buy from 'trusted' sellers. Collect in person if possible and inspect them. Pay with paypal so you have some protection.

    Same advice as the others really but no reason not to buy off the Bay if you do your homework. I bought my disc that way and had zero problems.
  • clx1
    clx1 Posts: 200
    Zipp 404s are usually around 1600 pounds from reputable outlets. On the basis that you don't generally see Zipps discounted much I doubt you will get the genuine thing new for 1000 pounds.