Lock adivce

mountaincookie Posts: 292
edited April 2011 in Commuting general

I recently had my cable lock chomped through and my £500 bike dissapear, so I was wondering what are peoples advice on a good D lock?

I'm looking to spend £40, so the kyrptonite evolution 4 looks ok....but it seems to have a reputation to get the keys jammed. I then saw the OnGuard Brute LS but was put of by the long shackle. Any ideas?



  • cyclingpast
    cyclingpast Posts: 111
    Personally i'd spend more and go for the kryptonite new york lock or the mini version of it. If your bike was worth £500 you'd be looking to spend more than £40 on the lock
    Giant Defy 3
    FCN 5

    All wrenching and no riding makes me frickin' angry...
  • EKE_38BPM
    EKE_38BPM Posts: 5,821
    The best lock advice I've ever found on t'internet is here.

    £40 is a bit low for a £500 bike.
    FCN 3: Raleigh Record Ace fixie-to be resurrected sometime in the future
    FCN 4: Planet X Schmaffenschmack 2- workhorse
    FCN 9: B Twin Vitamin - winter commuter/loan bike for trainees

    I'm hungry. I'm always hungry!
  • MrChuck
    MrChuck Posts: 1,663
    Spend a bit more and get an Abus Granit X or one of the Kryptonite. If you don't lose the keys you'll have it for years and the difference in price over the cheaper ones will be forgotten very quickly!
  • Thats very helpful cheers

    Haha I won't be locking up a £500 bike again in a hurry - I'm going to be using an ancient racing bike recused from a rubbish tip many years ago, it is Reynolds but only 501 and it's not in good nick at all, hence why I don't really want to spend more than £40/50ish on a lock.
  • Headhuunter
    Headhuunter Posts: 6,494
    I've got a bike worth about £570 and I use 2 D locks - 1 is from the early 90s when I had my 1st MTB which I took to uni (the lock scored top in a Which? magazine test at the time, it's a Squire) and the other is a Kryptonite of some sorts, cost about £35-40 I think so not the NY one. I lock one round the front wheel, frame and bike stand and the other the same on the rear. Never had a bike nicked yet so perhaps 2 cheapish locks (combined value about £70) would work?
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  • jeremyrundle
    jeremyrundle Posts: 1,014
    My bikes are £800 and £1600 and I never rely on just one lock, for a start all my bikes and my sons have "Pinheads", I only use flexible locks as they are easier to carry so the

    http://www.trelock.de/web/en/produkte/m ... MP_650.php

    Motorbike lock is used when I am in a place I don't know, when I am in Tavistock I use the

    http://www.trelock.de/web/en/produkte/f ... PK_480.php

    However in case I am told this is not enough, first I never park "out of the way" always by a cafe, no thief will know you are not in the cafe, and often I am, and I never leave it in an empty street, etc, on the rare occasion I have locked it and had to leave it for a longish time then I use both.
    Peds with ipods, natures little speed humps

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  • ste_
    ste_ Posts: 124
    EKE_38BPM wrote:
    The best lock advice I've ever found on t'internet is here.

    ^ This.

    After reading that I bought a NY Fag Mini and a Krypto Mini Evo. Have those with a padlock alarm and chain for my seat. Skewers are allen head with ballbearings in them. NY Fag goes around the seattube and back wheel and a Sheffield Stand. Mini Evo goes around front wheel and stand / front wheel and down tube or ideally front wheel, downtube and stand (not normally space though).

    The locks didn't cost much less than my commuter bike, but the hassle and cost of replacing a bike (and the locks the thief has chopped through) is one I'd like to avoid.

    I had a chain chomped through and my P&J mountain bike knicked when I was at uni. Wish I'd spent the extra on a proper lock then.
  • ste_
    ste_ Posts: 124
    My bikes are £800 and £1600 and I never rely on just one lock, for a start all my bikes and my sons have "Pinheads", I only use flexible locks as they are easier to carry so the

    http://www.trelock.de/web/en/produkte/m ... MP_650.php

    Motorbike lock is used when I am in a place I don't know, when I am in Tavistock I use the

    http://www.trelock.de/web/en/produkte/f ... PK_480.php

    However in case I am told this is not enough, first I never park "out of the way" always by a cafe, no thief will know you are not in the cafe, and often I am, and I never leave it in an empty street, etc, on the rare occasion I have locked it and had to leave it for a longish time then I use both.

    From what I've seen on the above linked LFGSS thread and on Youtube all of those flexi locks can be chopped in seconds.