Fellow Newbies be warned

Brushiemma10w Posts: 78
edited April 2011 in Road beginners
Picked up my allez comp Friday afternoon and went for a ride with a couple of mates yesterday. A sedate 32 miles at an average of 14mph and got home feeling chuffed & fairly fresh, but wondering what pace I could do if I pushed myself.
With the nice weather again today, I set off on the same route, but this time alone. After about 10 miles I started to feel tired but pressed on. Eventually, bit by bit, various parts of my body began to ache, my a*se, my legs, shoulders, neck, back....even my hands for crissakes. Thoughts of setting myself a good average speed for the ride subsided to "lets just limp home". Surprisingly, I managed to improve on the previous day's ride with an avg speed of 15.4mph, but am still disappointed.
The moral of the story is build your mileage gradually if you've been out of the saddle for a long while. Tiredness can creep up on you from no where.
Me? I'm off to bed shortly cos I'm shattered and hoping that the wife will rub all the bits that hurt.......it may take her a while :twisted:


  • Berk Bonebonce
    Berk Bonebonce Posts: 1,245
    You learn quickly riding a bike. Like it can be a whole lot easier cycling in a group. There's a strong psychological dimension to riding in a group which can make it somewhat easier.

    Aches and pains and a bit of soreness can be common for new cyclists and it might help to give some consideration to how your bike is set up. Plenty of internet guides on this available.
  • pauldavid
    pauldavid Posts: 392
    Well done you for trying so early.

    I have only been back on a bike for about 3-4 weeks and have been riding a 15 mile route 3-4 times a week. My average can be anywhere from 13.4-14.8 (14.8 done at weekend on a new bike so may be more to do with needing to prove I needed a new bike to the wife, although I prefer to think that I may be getting fitter/faster))

    Although still slightly painful whilst I'm out my recovery time suggests I should be pushing a little harder or going a little further already but 32 miles still seems a long way away.
  • u05harrisb
    u05harrisb Posts: 530
    just keep on building, more miles bit by bit :) as for doing well when pushing yourself, miles. just get the miles under your belt, cycle to work as well, all those little things will eventually add up.

    anyway im off to go ride my bike to work :lol:
  • derosa
    derosa Posts: 2,819
    'Tis like building a house - brick by brick. Takes a while but it's worth it.

    Big H

    May the road rise up to meet you.
    May the wind always be at your back.
  • Uchiga
    Uchiga Posts: 230
    Don't forget to have rest day's. If you're trianning a lot of people will have a rest week where they cycle still but they take more rest days and the cycling they do is of a lower intensity. Keep at it though and you'll get used to it/ better and stronger.