Blackfriars Bridge - please act now!

ndru Posts: 382
edited April 2011 in Commuting chat
As some of you are probably aware TFL has decided to remove bicycle lane from Blackfriars bridge and add one more lane for cars as well. They have been forced to consult this project with the public as a result of criticism from bicycle bloggers and LA members.

Since the volume of responses had prompted them to actually consult the design we can hope that responses to design can make them reconsider designing the bridge to accomodate the enourmous bicycle traffic that uses it every day.
Please read and send your response.
The deadline is 15th of April.
This was also mentioned here

Further reading:


  • ketsbaia
    ketsbaia Posts: 1,718
    Probably just me, but aren't those lurid green lanes the cycle lanes?
  • rjsterry
    rjsterry Posts: 29,391
    It's as you come on to the bridge from St Paul's: there's an ASL, then a big gap until you get to the lane on the bridge, with (for some reason known only to TfL) an extra traffic lane squeezed in where there is only really space for two (and need for two, as a bus lane takes out the other lane on the bridge almost immediately.
    1985 Mercian King of Mercia - work in progress (Hah! Who am I kidding?)
    Pinnacle Monzonite

    Part of the anti-growth coalition
  • ketsbaia
    ketsbaia Posts: 1,718
    Ah, right. Not much further than the gap across the same junction coming from New Bridge Street.

    Bit of an inconvenience and something of an oversight as any cycle lane would hug the pavement to the left. No huge implication for road safety, I wouldn't have thought, but might discourage some from cycling through there, which isn't supposed to be what TfL are trying to do.
  • notsoblue
    notsoblue Posts: 5,756
    Also it doesn't really achieve what they want. A third lane would effectively become a cycle lane at peak time anyway. The only difference would be that car drivers would be pissed off that cyclists aren't getting out of their way.
  • rjsterry
    rjsterry Posts: 29,391
    They've also extended the pavement considerably, taking up the space which currently houses the cycle lane, and I can see those Keep Clear markings on the cycle crossing (VE eastbound to BB southbound) being given as much credence as ASLs - i.e. completely ignored.

    Oh, and you can't turn left from NBS to QVS - that's all pavement too. - great for peds; no score draw for motorists and worse for cyclists. 2/10 See me!
    1985 Mercian King of Mercia - work in progress (Hah! Who am I kidding?)
    Pinnacle Monzonite

    Part of the anti-growth coalition
  • The LCC specimen letter in italics below should give an idea what the main concerns are:

    Please take a few seconds to email Transport for London to explain that the new design for Blackfriars Bridge increases danger for cyclists.

    If thousands of objections flood the TfL inbox, they must change the plans to make the bridge properly safe for cyclists.

    This design could be in place for 20 years, so if you fail to email now, we could be stuck with the dangers for the foreseeable future.

    NOTE: You only have until 15 April 2011 to respond to the consultation.

    LCC has suggested what you can write below, but remember it's more effective if you put it in your own words:

    Dear Sir or Madam,

    I'm a Londoner who cycles across Blackfriars Bridge regularly, and I'm deeply concerned the new plans increase danger for all cyclists.

    I understand the renovation of Blackfriars Station has made new demands for space for pedestrians, and I support these because I also walk frequently in the City.

    However, TfL's own figures show that one third of bridge users at peak times are cyclists, but the plans make little or no provision for us.

    I don't understand why it's acceptable to prioritise motor vehicle flow to the detriment of cyclist safety, when cyclists form a significant and growing part of the overall bridge traffic.

    I also feel strongly that there is no place for urban motorways of this kind in places where massive numbers of people walk and cycle regularly.

    The new design is certain to damage the Mayor's own targets for cycling growth in the capital.

    Specifically, the current and proposed layouts are hazardous to cyclists because:

    1. The northbound cycle lane will end up much narrower than it was back in 2006, when it was widened after the tragic and much-publicised death of a cyclist on the bridge.

    2. Southbound, there'll be no cycle lane at the narrowest point that has the heaviest traffic, even though there's a cycle lane there now.

    3. The speed limit will be raised to 30mph, even though a TfL report has clearly stated that most, if not all, central London bridges should have 20mph speed limits to reduce road danger.

    4. Cyclists won't be able to get from Embankment or the bridge to Queen Victoria Street without cutting across two lanes of fast-moving traffic.

    Thames bridges are an unavoidable part of cycling in London, and Transport for London has a responsibility to make them safe and accessible.

    I look forward to seeing a revised design that encourages cycling, bringing benefits to the capital in cleaner air, reduced CO2 and noise pollution, less congestion, and a healther population.

    Yours faithfully


    and then send it here....
  • ndru
    ndru Posts: 382
    Thanks for this deptfordmarmoset. So go on and bombard them with emails.
  • ndru wrote:
    Thanks for this deptfordmarmoset. So go on and bombard them with emails.

    I only posted that up because I found the diagram really confusing - I've used the junction, from the bridge up to Farringdon for at least 30 years but I don't know the exact current layout very well so it's hard for me to judge. Except I know that in the 90s the junction massively favoured cars (and their bigger relatives) and made it an every-sense-on-maximum-awareness-lottery-junction for cyclists. It's a very, very strange time to be going back to the last century.
  • ndru
    ndru Posts: 382
    Just to remind you - today is the last day you can register your concerns, so go ahead and let them know what kind of design you'd like to see on the bridge.