The Ego Has Landed

andyp Posts: 10,462
edited April 2011 in Pro race
Just when you thought his head couldn't get any bigger... ... is-roubaix


  • P_Tucker
    P_Tucker Posts: 1,878
    :lol: Talking about himself in the third person is IMMINENT
  • No_Ta_Doctor
    No_Ta_Doctor Posts: 14,559
    Christ on a bike.....

    I gained a lot of respect for him from his ride on Sunday. He's just thrown it all away, and more, with his comments on Nuyens.
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  • iainf72
    iainf72 Posts: 15,784
    Looks like Fabian wants cycling to be a romantic cartoon.

    Mind you, with that chin of his he looks like a cartoon character.
    Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.
  • Tom BB
    Tom BB Posts: 1,001
    That article reads like most of FFs posts! :D
  • LangerDan
    LangerDan Posts: 6,132
    Chinnys idea of an inferiority complex is that he's just as good as anyone else
    He's a latter-day Ferdi Kubler

    " Kübler would drop back to talk to him and to other managers, warning them "Ferdy attack soon. You ready?" And then, having let the message sink in, he'd drop back again to underline it, "Ferdy big horse. Ferdy attack. Your boys ready?"

    Géminiani has never been a patient man. He is not erudite or overeducated. He is not especially tolerant. And so when Kübler repeated his warnings a third time - "Ferdy attack now. France ready?" - Géminiani leaned out of his car window and replied in mocking and deliberately bad French, "Ferdy shut up now or Ferdy get head knocked in."

    (Though according to Kubler himself, the encounter never happened ... -telephone)

    Perhaps he reckons if he draws enough attention to himself, Stuey will sneak off unnoticed and, fuelled only by Complan and Werthers Originals, creak his way to the win.
    'This week I 'ave been mostly been climbing like Basso - Shirley Basso.'
  • nick hanson
    nick hanson Posts: 1,655
    He say's he doesn't put any value on Nuyens's win...Sour grapes I think
    I bet Riis (Yes,his old boss,& Nuyens's Boss),puts plenty of value on the win :lol::lol:
    so many cols,so little time!
  • nick hanson
    nick hanson Posts: 1,655
    Christ on a bike.....

    I gained a lot of respect for him from his ride on Sunday. He's just thrown it all away, and more, with his comments on Nuyens.
    Plus 1
    so many cols,so little time!
  • TheStone
    TheStone Posts: 2,291
    I like him. He's the best around, knows it and isn't pretending to be humble.

    I guess he could be more respectful of Nuyens' win, but he's clearly still p*ssed off that he did that much work and has very little to show for it.
  • TMR
    TMR Posts: 3,986
    Wow! What a bitter @rse! Cry more?!
  • inkyfingers
    inkyfingers Posts: 4,400
    By all means big yourself up, but no need to slag off your rivals.
    "I have a lovely photo of a Camargue horse but will not post it now" (Frenchfighter - July 2013)
  • mrushton
    mrushton Posts: 5,182
    It's publicity and it gets the media/Twatter and the forummers revved up. Cue everyone with a chance of winning declaring themselves to be Spartacus :wink:
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    By all means big yourself up, but no need to slag off your rivals.

    I don't know, I like a bit of niggle and animosity between sporting rivals. I'd rather have less of the Contador-Schleck love-ins personally.
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • Kléber
    Kléber Posts: 6,842
    Nuyens name goes down in history, Cancellara's quotes will be wrapping chips in a week's time. But some of the other references are amusing, the sport needs more egos especially if they can back up the talk with their riding.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    My girlfriend prefers this man to Boonen.

    I am a little worried...

    Still though - it's entertainment right?

    I'm all for it. Can't really think of an occasion when I wouldn't want him in a race.
  • Noclue
    Noclue Posts: 503
    After reading that i find myself hoping that Boonen kicks his butt in the velodrome on sunday.
  • Wheelspinner
    Wheelspinner Posts: 6,663
    Noclue wrote:
    After reading that i find myself hoping that Boonen kicks his butt in the velodrome on sunday.

    I'm no great Chinny fan by any stretch, but are you kidding here? Tom couldn't even keep up with his own domestique.

    Open One+ BMC TE29 Seven 622SL On One Scandal Cervelo RS
  • Aggieboy
    Aggieboy Posts: 3,996
    andyp wrote:
    Just when you thought his head couldn't get any bigger... ... is-roubaix

    It's not bragging if you can back it up.

    Muhammad Ali
    "There's a shortage of perfect breasts in this world, t'would be a pity to damage yours."
  • Aggieboy wrote:
    andyp wrote:
    Just when you thought his head couldn't get any bigger... ... is-roubaix

    It's not bragging if you can back it up.

    Muhammad Ali

    True dat.
    "That's it! You people have stood in my way long enough. I'm going to clown college! " - Homer
  • Moomaloid
    Moomaloid Posts: 2,040
    i think he backs everything he's said there... yeah he's got balls, but why shouldn't he? He's bloody amazing...

    Rick, its EASY to see why she prefers him :D

    I do wish Pip had timed his attack better on Sunday! He does tend to time his massive efforts a little too soon sometimes. Really want him to get LBL...
  • Noclue
    Noclue Posts: 503
    Noclue wrote:
    After reading that i find myself hoping that Boonen kicks his butt in the velodrome on sunday.

    I'm no great Chinny fan by any stretch, but are you kidding here? Tom couldn't even keep up with his own domestique.


    Which is why it would be even more satisfying, i'm usually a fan of Cancellara, but i dislike big heads and for some reason that i can't really quantify or explain i seem to dislike the whole of team Leopard Trek.
  • moray_gub
    moray_gub Posts: 3,328
    RichN95 wrote:
    By all means big yourself up, but no need to slag off your rivals.

    I don't know, I like a bit of niggle and animosity between sporting rivals. I'd rather have less of the Contador-Schleck love-ins personally.

    Same here i have no problem with him letting rip and slagging of a rival or two though i disagree with him re : Nick Nuyens win on Sunday.
    Gasping - but somehow still alive !
  • I knew this would be about Cancellara....I love this kind of thing. It's what makes sport interesting! How can we expect someone to be that good and still be completely grounded? Lets face it, he doesnt just win, he destroys people...just look at boonen on the Muur last year...

    He's creating a myth, and when it gets to the point where his opponents have that myth in their heads at the start of the race, he's won the race before ever turning a pedal.
  • pomtarr
    pomtarr Posts: 318
    "they have to fasten their seatbelts, like on an aeroplane"

    Oh, oh I see, like on an aeroplane. I would have had trouble visualising that concept otherwise. :shock:
    "Difficult, difficult, lemon difficult"
  • pomtarr wrote:
    "they have to fasten their seatbelts, like on an aeroplane"

    Oh, oh I see, like on an aeroplane. I would have had trouble visualising that concept otherwise. :shock:

    If he's said 'like in a nissan micra' wouldnt have had the same effect.
  • Bakunin
    Bakunin Posts: 868

    What does Stijn think?
  • mattshrops
    mattshrops Posts: 1,134
    the top 3% or so in any professional sport are only above the other pro competitors because of what is going on in their heads. the 3 most important things you need to get to the top are belief, belief and...belief.
    yeah it makes him sound like a tosser but he is an exceptional talent.
    did you hear the crowd as he passed by the number of times i heard "fabian" screamed out- sorry didnt hear anyone elses name.

    rick if you start to hear a certain someone shouting out "fabian"-thats the time to worry :lol:
    Death or Glory- Just another Story
  • No_Ta_Doctor
    No_Ta_Doctor Posts: 14,559
    My girlfriend prefers this man to Boonen.

    I am a little worried...

    So your girlfriend prefers a rider known for his ability to set out at a high tempo and hold it for a long long time, with great stamina and technique.

    I wouldn't be worried Rick, but I would read between the lines....
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  • No_Ta_Doctor
    No_Ta_Doctor Posts: 14,559
    I don't mind big-headed riders, I don't mind niggle. If I did I'd scarcely be able to like Cav.

    But Cancellara comes across as an utter prat there.

    I think it's because a True Champion (tm) wouldn't stoop to start a "niggle" with a rider so much further down the food chain than himself. Most of the world is happy for Nuyens to win what may well be the only monument of his career, riding in the only way that he could have won it.

    Cancellara seems to want people to take him on on his own strengths. He rides the way he does because it's the way he's best suited to win races, not because of some aesthetic. Put him in a bunch sprint alongside Cav and he's toast. Are all sprint victories now to be deemed worthless, because sprinters by definition wheelsuck for all bar the last 200m of any race? Why should the middle ground, of riders that won't beat sprint specialists but can't time-trial alongside Cancellara have to perform to his criteria?

    Tactics are an integral, worthy and interesting part of cycling. Without them it would be rubbish.
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  • Ron Stuart
    Ron Stuart Posts: 1,242
    I don't mind big-headed riders, I don't mind niggle. If I did I'd scarcely be able to like Cav.

    But Cancellara comes across as an utter prat there.

    I think it's because a True Champion (tm) wouldn't stoop to start a "niggle" with a rider so much further down the food chain than himself. Most of the world is happy for Nuyens to win what may well be the only monument of his career, riding in the only way that he could have won it.

    Cancellara seems to want people to take him on on his own strengths. He rides the way he does because it's the way he's best suited to win races, not because of some aesthetic. Put him in a bunch sprint alongside Cav and he's toast. Are all sprint victories now to be deemed worthless, because sprinters by definition wheelsuck for all bar the last 200m of any race? Why should the middle ground, of riders that won't beat sprint specialists but can't time-trial alongside Cancellara have to perform to his criteria?

    Tactics are an integral, worthy and interesting part of cycling. Without them it would be rubbish.

    Well said that man and said well. :wink:
  • mrushton
    mrushton Posts: 5,182
    It's just bike racing.The publicity stuff is good and it always worked for Ali. Remember Cav talking about those 'shit races' that Greipel rode? Same thing going on here.