Where do you keep your precious things?

jonny_trousers Posts: 3,588
edited March 2011 in Commuting chat
When you are travelling light that is?

I'm lucky in that all I need when commuting to work is my wallet, my phone and my keys, and so far I have been using a Topeak Tri-bag, like the one below, which is excellent for shape and size, yet has never really fit my bike that well. It fastens with three velcro straps and they do often work their way loose. A couple of times recently I have looked down to discover two straps undone and I am nervous that it's only a matter of time before all three go. I'll probably strengthen it with a safety pin or something, but I was wondering if there might be a better option out there. I'm not desperately keen to use the pocket in my jacket as I think it would annoy me to have keys etc moving around and one of the things I liked most about the Tri-bag over a saddle bag was that I could always keep an eye on where my precious things were.

Anyway, let me know if you have come up with any better solutions.



  • jonginge
    jonginge Posts: 5,945
    For that amount of stuff I'd just use jersey pockets. However, I never just carry that little coz I'll have spare tubes, levers, tools etc. They go in a saddle bag.

    I tried one of those tri-bags on the marmotte last year. Didn't really get on with it coz my knees would brush it when climbing out of the saddle: very annoying. Will need a different portage solution this year
    FCN 2-4 "Shut up legs", Jens Voigt
    Planet-x Scott
  • In my cycling shorts. :shock:

    Alternatively cycle specific tops have pockets for this very purpose. Since I tend to take spare tube, pump, multi-tool and lock on most trips I use a large bum bag when travelling light (for me).
    Nobody told me we had a communication problem
  • fossyant
    fossyant Posts: 2,549
    Commute I have panniers. Out trainin, it's just jersey pockets. On a sportive where additional food is necessary, tools etc go in a small saddle wedge. Don't like anything attached to the frame as it damages the paint.
  • jds_1981
    jds_1981 Posts: 1,858
    I've got one of those tri-bags. Seems the velcro isn't well positiioned as I can never get mine strapped quite tight enough.
    FCN 9 || FCN 5
  • jonny_trousers
    jonny_trousers Posts: 3,588
    jds_1981 wrote:
    I've got one of those tri-bags. Seems the velcro isn't well positiioned as I can never get mine strapped quite tight enough.

  • edhornby
    edhornby Posts: 1,741
    small toolbag under saddle, only food and emergency rollup jacket in my jersey pockets, gravel rash would be bad enough without havng a tool puncturing into your back if you came off.....
    "I get paid to make other people suffer on my wheel, how good is that"
    --Jens Voight
  • essex-commuter
    essex-commuter Posts: 2,188
    I've got the same one too, don't like it. Head tube strap is too long, others seem to want to be positioned where there is no hook and loop. If you like the positioning of this sort of bag perhaps it would be worth looking at other makes.

    I must admit it does put stuff you need to access in a good position, I would consider buying a better one.
  • gtvlusso
    gtvlusso Posts: 5,112
    My watch is on my wrist - everything else in my "Chrome" courier bag.
  • fatherted
    fatherted Posts: 199
    Innertube, repair kit, levers, multitool and small adjusable in here
    http://www.ribblecycles.co.uk/sp/mtb-bm ... BBATOOL200

    Wallet , smartphone and work phone in No.1 jersey pocket.

    Castelli Squadra jacket
    http://www.wiggle.co.uk/castelli-squadr ... acket-2011
    and Eager OverShoes
    http://www.sjscycles.co.uk/eager-oversh ... -prod7044/
    in No.2 jersey pocket

    Keys , work auth tokens, memory stick(s) and cycling cap in No.3 jersey pocket.
  • SimonAH
    SimonAH Posts: 3,730
    Courier bag if a lot of stuff, bum bag if not.

    I look like a dick wearing the bum bag, but it works and it's safe.
    FCN 5 belt driven fixie for city bits
    CAADX 105 beastie for bumpy bits
    Litespeed L3 for Strava bits

    Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast.
  • shouldbeinbed
    shouldbeinbed Posts: 2,660
    jds_1981 wrote:
    I've got one of those tri-bags. Seems the velcro isn't well positiioned as I can never get mine strapped quite tight enough.


  • dilemna
    dilemna Posts: 2,187
    JonGinge wrote:
    For that amount of stuff I'd just use jersey pockets. However, I never just carry that little coz I'll have spare tubes, levers, tools etc. They go in a saddle bag.

    I tried one of those tri-bags on the marmotte last year. Didn't really get on with it coz my knees would brush it when climbing out of the saddle: very annoying. Will need a different portage solution this year

    +1. Looks a bit poncy really. Why not have one similar but under your saddle? Plus jersey pockets can carry lots. It would damage the paint job on your bike so a big non.
    Life is like a roll of toilet paper; long and useful, but always ends at the wrong moment. Anon.
    Think how stupid the average person is.......
    half of them are even more stupid than you first thought.
  • @ fatherted. If you're to cheap to spend a fiver on a bottle cage container, I find that those cylinders in which tennis balls come fit perfectly. They also come in bigger sizes.
  • Gussio
    Gussio Posts: 2,452
    jds_1981 wrote:
    I've got one of those tri-bags. Seems the velcro isn't well positiioned as I can never get mine strapped quite tight enough.



  • Headhuunter
    Headhuunter Posts: 6,494
    The problem I found with the under the saddle jobs was that the velcro straps rubbed the lycra shorts or leggings and eventually wore a hole in them. Particularly on the left side. I kept wearing holes in shorts and wondering why until someone at my club pointed out that it was the velcro strap on my saddle bag....
    Do not write below this line. Office use only.
  • cee
    cee Posts: 4,553
    I commute with laptop, plus all the usual gubbins.

    Backpack works for me.
    Whenever I see an adult on a bicycle, I believe in the future of the human race.

    H.G. Wells.
  • mudcow007
    mudcow007 Posts: 3,861
    specialized saddle bag for me and when commuting i wear a Berghaus backback, it has a shaped back bit that "supposedly" keeps your back from sweating.......it doesnt work though
    Keeping it classy since '83
  • jonginge
    jonginge Posts: 5,945
    <catharticMoment>What has it got in its pocketses, my precious?</catharticMoment>
    FCN 2-4 "Shut up legs", Jens Voigt
    Planet-x Scott
  • rjsterry
    rjsterry Posts: 30,265
    That took you a while :D
    1985 Mercian King of Mercia - work in progress (Hah! Who am I kidding?)
    Pinnacle Monzonite

    Part of the anti-growth coalition
  • jonginge
    jonginge Posts: 5,945
    I know. Been thinking it ever since I saw the thread title...
    FCN 2-4 "Shut up legs", Jens Voigt
    Planet-x Scott
  • jonny_trousers
    jonny_trousers Posts: 3,588
    It was actually League of Gentlemen inspired, but never mind...

    Thanks for the thoughts. Inspired by previous posts I actually used the zip pocket at the back of my cycle-specific jacket for my stuff today and, oh-my-goodness-I-am-an-idiot! Nothing rattled around the way I assumed it would and it felt perfectly comfortable. What a retard!