Bristol/Somerset Riders Black Rat Sportive

Gooner69 Posts: 97
Hiya to anyone signed up for or thinking about riding the Black Rat Sportive, we have organised a reccy/training ride of the route. Or even if you just fancy a steady ride with a group of like minded people....

We will meet at Backwell and Nailsea station, in Station Road, Backwell between 9.15 and 9.30 this coming Saturday. We intend to leave the station car park at 9.30 sharp. There is plenty of car parking available in the station car park if you intend to drive there. I believe that parking is free but just in case, I would bring some coinage!

I have worked out a route which should be to everyone’s liking and contains parts of both the 100km and 100 mile routes. To keep the distance manageable we will take a few short cuts that neither route will take but generally we will be following the official routes. The distance we will ride will be 46 miles on Saturday and will involve a gentle 650m of climbing - although only one hill is a steep one. The others are long and relatively gentle. We will not be going up on to the Mendips this week.

We should have 4 people riding with you – myself, Jer who organises the Black Rat with me, and our best helpers, Mike and Dave. If you want to go fast, Dave will be pleased to pick up the pace with you!

There is a good café stop on the route but it does come quite early in the ride, so I’ll think of somewhere else that would be suitable if anyone wants to stop. Pm me if you are interested



  • Gooner69
    Gooner69 Posts: 97
    Currently looking like we will have two groups totalling about 16 or so riders, but we will definitely maintain one easy paced group that stays together averaging about 15mph ish.

    Feel free to join us if you are in the locality :)
  • springtide9
    springtide9 Posts: 1,731
    Sounds fantastic... but can't make it! :(

    I have posted just to let you know to keep posting of rides from Bristol. I'm very interested in Sunday morning rides that start early (i.e. first light!), but I'm aware most rides start at 9-9:30am.
  • Gooner69
    Gooner69 Posts: 97
    No problem, will post up every time we organise anything 8)
  • Gooner69
    Gooner69 Posts: 97
    Black Rat Taster Rides

    On 26th March about 30 riders came along on our first taster ride for the Bristol event. We were lucky with the weather and everyone seemed to enjoy the day. We rode 45 miles taking in parts of both the 100km and 100 mile routes.

    Our next taster ride is on Saturday 16th April. On this route we will take in some climbs and descents on the Mendips which will be used in the event. We will again limit the distance to 45 miles. Subject to confirmation that we can use the car park, we intend to start the ride from the Blue Bowl Inn at West Harptree. As with the last ride, we will leave there at 9.30am and expect to be back about 4 hours later. The ride will include a coffee stop again.

    These rides give people who have not ridden in a group before the chance to do so and also to get an impression of the routes you will take on the day of the event.

    We will be organising some North Devon taster rides in the next couple of months.

    If you wish to come along on the 16th, please can you e-mail so we have an idea of numbers and can make sure we have enough helpers with us?
  • Gooner69
    Gooner69 Posts: 97
    Cut and pasted from our e-mail newsletter but anyone at all is welcome to come along 8)