Have I invented a new game?

pottssteve Posts: 4,069
edited March 2011 in The bottom bracket

Because I cycle regularly I'm getting fitter. I'm not that great but can trundle up hills at a reasonable pace.

Last year I bought a second hand runaround bike - a 30 year old Peugeot city bike - steel frame, pannier rack, mudguards, 5 gears with top tube shifter. I was out on it today, dressed in jeans and a shirt, meandering up the Bemmerleberg when a guy on a Trek road bike passed me. I quickly got on his wheel and followed him for about 1km. At one point I thanked him for sheltering me from the wind... :D He looked very surprised to see me still there!

I call this Stealth Cycling. Does anyone else do this, or is it bad form to keep up with a road rider while on an old city bike?

Head Hands Heart Lungs Legs


  • Probably not but it's rude to not get out on the front and do your turn! =P
  • pottssteve
    pottssteve Posts: 4,069
    Probably not but it's rude to not get out on the front and do your turn! =P

    True. I did consider that but I thought he might be even more p!ssed off if I passed him to do it. Apart from that I was already in my lowest gear and it would have been difficult to go much faster...

    Still, its made up for Tuesday when I was passed on the same bit of road by a fat bald bloke.

    (I've not been well....)
    Head Hands Heart Lungs Legs
  • As you have seen, looks are not an indication of fitness or ability. :lol:
  • pottssteve
    pottssteve Posts: 4,069
    As you have seen, looks are not an indication of fitness or ability. :lol:

    Too right!

    He had calves like my thighs though! :lol:
    Head Hands Heart Lungs Legs
  • A troubling sign... :shock:
  • mattsaw
    mattsaw Posts: 907
    Depends what you mean by getting on his wheel. A lot of people don't like to be drafted by people thay don't know, it's effectively the same as tailgating someone in your car.
    Bianchi C2C - Ritte Bosberg - Cervelo R3
  • AndyOgy
    AndyOgy Posts: 579
    Mattsaw wrote:
    Depends what you mean by getting on his wheel. A lot of people don't like to be drafted by people thay don't know, it's effectively the same as tailgating someone in your car.


    And it seems to happen a lot to me. One time, I had to brake and the idiot couldn't stop in time. One bent mech hanger. He rode off, whilst I couldn't change gear.

    I take a very dim view on unsolicited drafting.
  • pottssteve
    pottssteve Posts: 4,069
    AndyOgy wrote:
    Mattsaw wrote:
    Depends what you mean by getting on his wheel. A lot of people don't like to be drafted by people thay don't know, it's effectively the same as tailgating someone in your car.


    And it seems to happen a lot to me. One time, I had to brake and the idiot couldn't stop in time. One bent mech hanger. He rode off, whilst I couldn't change gear.

    I take a very dim view on unsolicited drafting.

    I can understand that, hence my original post. Having said that, he came past me and then sat in front. I didn't have to do much to keep up as he wasn't going much faster so that, combined with the lack of wind resistance, meant I had the same pace.

    Also, I made sure I wasn't in his back pocket.... :?
    Head Hands Heart Lungs Legs
  • Shame, can often find some nice munchies in there, a mobile phone and sometimes some nice tools or spare tubes. ;)
  • jellybellywmb
    jellybellywmb Posts: 1,379
    I was once drafted by a nun on an old carlton road bike!!!!

    I met her an a junction and she asked me directions, i explained the route to where she wanted to be and set off in the same direction, 2-3 miles later as i was puffing and panting into the wind a little voice chirped up

    " I can take a turn on the front if you like but im a little small and probably wont give you much shelter"" WTF I didnt even know she was there!!

    Anyway, lovely lady and really made me smile.

    PS She wsnt in full habit on the bike i onlt realised she was a nun when i passed the local convent school the next day and she was on crossing patrol.
    "BEER" Proof that god loves us and wants us to be happy
  • I was once drafted by a nun on an old carlton road bike!!!!

    I met her an a junction and she asked me directions, i explained the route to where she wanted to be and set off in the same direction, 2-3 miles later as i was puffing and panting into the wind a little voice chirped up

    " I can take a turn on the front if you like but im a little small and probably wont give you much shelter"" WTF I didnt even know she was there!!

    Anyway, lovely lady and really made me smile.

    PS She wsnt in full habit on the bike i onlt realised she was a nun when i passed the local convent school the next day and she was on crossing patrol.

    Great! It's mad things like that that keep me sane :lol:
  • I was once drafted by a nun on an old carlton road bike!!!!

    I met her an a junction and she asked me directions, i explained the route to where she wanted to be and set off in the same direction, 2-3 miles later as i was puffing and panting into the wind a little voice chirped up

    " I can take a turn on the front if you like but im a little small and probably wont give you much shelter"" WTF I didnt even know she was there!!

    Anyway, lovely lady and really made me smile.

    PS She wsnt in full habit on the bike i onlt realised she was a nun when i passed the local convent school the next day and she was on crossing patrol.
    "That's it! You people have stood in my way long enough. I'm going to clown college! " - Homer