If cycle from Stratford or further towards city of London

torch1972 Posts: 4
edited March 2011 in Commuting general
This happened to me last November: I work in the West End and cycle back to Stratford. I was on the late shift last night, so don't leave work until nearly mid-night. It was about 12.45 when I was travelling along the A11 and add just gone though the traffic lights by Abbey Lane, just outside Stratford. Ahead of me I could see six males which seemed to be crossing the road. As I reached the bus stop, one pushed me off my bike and to the ground. Then another tried to grab my bike. I held on to the bike for a little while but there were of them than me, as they all started towrads me I let go. They took my bike across the barrier on to the side of the road going to London. So I walked off, at the same time I saw someone cycling towards london. I shouted out to them to warn them of the males ahead. (Which they did not like)

As I walked away I called the police and waited for them to turn up outside the holiday Inn. they turn up quickly then we drove in around in the police car looking for the group but we had no luck. There were just to many different ways the group could have gone. The police told me that another man was also pulled of his bike in the same area, his bike and phone was taken. Lucky the group did not take my bag which had my phone and wallet inside.

Even more luckly, I was only days away in getting my first single bike! I was only using an old hybrid bike I had for year which need a good service and the back wheel needed new spokes and the wheel truing. Sort off saved me money and they will get money for it.

I do a lot of late shifts and offen see people riding towards London at that time of night.

So the next night after my bike was taken I caught the train home as I came out of the station I see a guy riding my bike. Ran around to the police station around the corner and ask them for help but they were not helpful.

Yesterday I am walking to the train station and against the window of the KFC is my bike! I had just passed a bobby on the beat, so I ran and grabbed him as we walk towards KFC this kid rides towards us. The kid gets taken to the police station for handling stolen goods, my bike! The best bit is as kid is being arrested, a unmarked police car drives pass with someone who has just been robbed and they point out the kid on my bike!

So will get the bike back, Hooray!

However I got this email today it was sad to get the following email from Newham-Cycling:

"This evening 17th March on the greenway (between canning road and abbey road exit on the greenway) a man i saw man in his thirties was rob of his bike by a group of six boys. The poor man had on choice but to hand over his bike they rode pass me laughing. We called the police and I understand that a lady cyclist was also rob of her bike earlier in the day

I wonder if Newham cyclist could find away of making the greenway safer and enjoyable everyone"

This is the same area where I had taken last November, these could be the same boys . Be careful and safe cycling.


  • jeremyrundle
    jeremyrundle Posts: 1,014
    That is why I like Devon/Cornwall
    Peds with ipods, natures little speed humps

    Banish unwanted fur - immac a squirrel
    http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... heads.html
  • shouldbeinbed
    shouldbeinbed Posts: 2,660
    Write to the local councellors for the area and to the council & police chiefs. present your story and the other examples you've got and ask that they put resources into crime prevention etc in the area, It seems to be locals that are doing it and by the sounds of it could well be the same collection of people - maybe not just your 6 but a wider interchangeable group that pick on the vulnerable when theres a few of them together. The cops are quite capable of analysing crime reports, times and places to mount a targetted week of action or two to increase patrols and even plain clothes, cars, bike cops in the area to identify people and mount a better chase if there is a theft. There must be fixed CCTV that could be adjusted to show hotspots more clearly and many councils now have mobile CCTV provision that could be parked up near spots where crime has been reported to see if these people can be caught on camera and identified.
    sell it on the 'daft sod who won't let go of their bike getting a good kicking/stabbed/killed & lone femail getting raped' angle, if these people keep getting away with it and feel they are above the law thats in the realms of possibility.

    If you get no joy then take it to the local papers. you get the double win of warning other people to be careful and putting pressure on the authorities to do something in the face of adverse publicity.

    The other thing you can/should do is see about you/others setting up cycling buddy system - maybe not for midnight so much but morning and evening times there must be a few cyclists that could ride together and have safety in numbers. Another win from this is that if a small peloton annoys motorists / attracts attention, you can explain why and hopefully win more people over to pressure the authorities into disrupting and catching these people - even if its only out of their own self interest to stop the bloody cyclists taking up the whole road :wink:
  • Berk Bonebonce
    Berk Bonebonce Posts: 1,245
    The real danger with attacks like this is the injuries that could be sustained by falling from your bike. Falling into the path of a vehicle is a real possibility.

    See what the Police Officers/PCSO's that ride bikes in London wear, and make yourself look like them.

    Some cyclists also wear small cameras. Put 'MD80 Mini-Camera' into the internet. They are only cheap; you need to buy a micro-SD card for them as well.
  • See what the Police Officers/PCSO's that ride bikes in London wear, and make yourself look like them.

    Isn't it an offence to be impersonating a police officer? :wink:

    Seriously though some good suggestions from shouldbeinbed, and as BB says, cheap video cameras can be very useful for situations such as these. Make sure it's fitted to your helmet though and not your bike or you'll lose both bike and camera.
    Nobody told me we had a communication problem