New Intense Tracer VP build (lots of pics)

Tabs24 Posts: 11
edited March 2011 in Your mountain bikes
Be gentle with me, first build post

Bike so far (build much further down the page)

So many years ago i used to ride, alot

first bike was a Bigfoot Smokestone, only 1 ever powdercoated from the shop, i thought it was the nuts i was only 16 at the time.

had a few other bikes over the next few years the last bike i had before i stopped biking was a GT LTS 2000 made up from a mix of parts lying about

10 years later i decided to get back into biking so ended up with a nice Specialized Enduro really liked this bike but needed the cash to help fund a house move

So 6 months later here i am itching to get my leg back over a nice bike. The Malvern hills are less than 5 miles away and what with my brother riding his new Ibis Mojo SL all the time i just had to get something nice, so this is what i got.

the colour is just awesome

Next on the list was wheels, in the form of ZTR Flow rims on Hope Pro II's brand new from Rutland
Rockshox Relelations, (pop Lock), Merlin
Easton Haven Bars, Chain Reaction
Point 1 racing stem, Chain Reaction
SLX Full Groupset, Merlin
Nobby Nics (UST) E-bay
Cane Creek headset, Rutland
just got pedals, Brakes and Grips to get
let me know what ya think


  • joshtp
    joshtp Posts: 3,966
    LUUURRRVELY! really great frame... and an AWESOME colour... :D
    I like bikes and stuff
  • getonyourbike
    getonyourbike Posts: 2,648
    it'll be a lovely bike when done. I'd love to ride one.
  • jay12
    jay12 Posts: 6,126
    i approve all your choices :D

    the intense frames are sooo nice, this is a fine example
  • D-Cyph3r
    D-Cyph3r Posts: 847
    Got the same wheels and forks going on the Hectik, good choices. :D
  • Tabs24
    Tabs24 Posts: 11
    edited March 2011
    thanks for the above guys, cutting my steerer down tomorrow as well as fitting as much of my new kit as i can.

    decided on Superstar Grips (black with gold ends)
    pedals are a toss up between Nukeproof Proton pedals or Crank Bros 5050 in black and gold

    and last to get, brakes
    if money can stretch Formula The One brakes
    if i cant, Formula RX or Hope Tech X2's or V2's
  • getonyourbike
    getonyourbike Posts: 2,648
    superstar nanos...
  • Tabs24
    Tabs24 Posts: 11
    Ok so the correct headset has arrived

    so the Forks bars and stem can go on

    arty shot (new stuff oooooh)

    front mech had to go back to merlin as it was a high clamp version (m661) and i need a low clamp (m660). Merlin are awesome, just sent it back and i have a new one on its way

    superstar grips are orded, now just need brakes

    now i have gone for a Point one Racing 70mm stem which is direct mount (see pic) but it means you can't run any spacers above (only below). As i did not want to cut my new forks down too much, i ordered a Point one racing 25mm spacer and this is the size of the box it came in (talk about save the planet) and that really is how it came, no packaging (not that it needs any)

  • j_l
    j_l Posts: 425
    Love that 8)
    I'm not old I'm Retro
  • djcombes
    djcombes Posts: 63
    I've seen that frame before! Andy showed me a picture. Looks very nice indeed - good choice.

    Hope Andy is feeling better soon. My little one (Holly's friend Sophie) has made him a get well card.

  • Tabs24
    Tabs24 Posts: 11
    hey Dave thanks,

    yep my brother has had quite a nasty off last weekend, i would put up a pic but i don't want to upset anyone.

    I will say one thing. If ever you need a reason to wear a helmet let me know i will get a pic up of my brother's helmet without a doubt it saved his life, big dent on the outside and crack on the inside. As for the rest of him, several stitches to arm, X-ray on collar bone, hand and elbow, out of action for at least 2 weeks.

    luckily he was on his S-works enduro (96 model) its bombproof, don't think his mojo sl would have fared so well.
  • Tabs24
    Tabs24 Posts: 11
    so got a bit more done today, including cable routing and gear set up, runs super smoooth


    had to remove front tyre as it kept going down, then realised the guy I bought them off diddled me, the rear is UST but the front is not.
    I know i can go getto but i want a proper UST set up

  • jay12
    jay12 Posts: 6,126
    thats is looking awesome! shame about the tyre though