Bristol to Amsterdam logistics?

t0ph0id Posts: 191
edited March 2011 in Tour & expedition
I'm planning a ride to Amsterdam this June and am unsure how to get home

The trip is currently due to be unsupproted, we're going to travel with the bare minimum.

How do we get home?

There are cheap flights from Amsterdam to Bristol which I'd like to take advantage of.

Is there somewhere in Amsterdam we could hire a bike box and then post it back again?

Would it be easier to get the train?

What other options are there?


  • andymiller
    andymiller Posts: 2,856
    Buy or scrounge a cardboard box from a bike shop (although bear in mind that some bikes come in boxes that are too big.

    Train might be an option - there are bike carriage facilities on eurostar - but your'd need to check the trains from Amsterdam to Paris.

    Ferry via Hook of Holland and harwich is an option, in theory, but probably too much of a long detour for you.
  • jc4lab
    jc4lab Posts: 554 ... hiphol.htm

    Facilkities come and go one week to the next so dont n know how up to date this is.....Came across this last year on another forum..Maybe its still available
  • FJS
    FJS Posts: 4,820
    jc4lab wrote:

    Facilkities come and go one week to the next so dont n know how up to date this is.....Came across this last year on another forum..Maybe its still available

    That's cardboard though - should be fine for a sturdy tourer, but maybe not for a lightweight racer
  • t0ph0id
    t0ph0id Posts: 191
    Thanks, not sure I'd want to put my Trek in one of those to be honest.
  • weeve
    weeve Posts: 393
    schiphol airport always used to have bike boxes..prob still have..they used to be 20 euros....but I would go to a bike shop (there are lots) (fiets winkel in dutch) and actually scrounge 2 bike boxes per bike (maybe need to go to a couple or mention it to them in advance so they save them) with a bit of cutting and squeezing you have an indestructible (free) double bike box. If you really want to push the boat out get down to a local dutch Gamma store (hardwear)..shops locations on the internet.. and buy some pipe lagging.