Route Advice : Cheddar to Yatton

philkeeble Posts: 109
edited March 2011 in Tour & expedition
Am planning on a LEJOG in June and one of our legs goes from Cheddar via west of Bristol to Ross-on-Wye. Was originally planning road out of Cheddar, but now notice there is NCN Route 28 that runs along an old railway route from Cheddar to Yatton.

Has anyone any experience of this section? Is it OK for panniered-up road bikes? Sometimes these off-road sections can be pretty rough and slow.
Phil, in Inverurie


  • 2alexcoo
    2alexcoo Posts: 251
    That's the Strawberry Line. It's basically a hard packed cinder path. I've ridden it on 23c tyres so you should be fine.

    The Strawberry Line Cafe at Yatton station is a good cake stop!
  • redvee
    redvee Posts: 11,922
    It can be a bit muddy in places depending on previous weather and the tunnel is unlit and is the home of sharp stones that find your tyres if you ride too fast as I did first time around. Some of the farm tracks it shares might be busy during the week, I've only ridden it at weekends.
    I've added a signature to prove it is still possible.
  • agree with both posts above - extra note, it's an old railway line so gentle gradients. It avoids climbing up Cheddar Gorge (which is lovely but long) and descending Burrington Combe - which I think is a shame but you've got plenty more riding to do that day. Maybe if you feel good in the evening when you get to Cheddar you can make time to ride up and down the gorge on your unladen bikes?