
spruce86 Posts: 21
edited March 2011 in Road buying advice
I currently ride a Carrera Gryphon Hybrid bike. I'm looking to swap the current flat handlebars for road handlebars.

Is there anything I need to take in to consideration when selecting a new set of handlebars for it?


  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    It gets messy swapping bars over.

    You'll need new brake/gear levers and cables. Can work out very expensive.

    As a compromise - what about bar ends ?
  • spruce86
    spruce86 Posts: 21
    Being a near-complete beginner I hadn't realised bar ends exist.

    Are they fairly simple then? I am considering getting a full road bike in the next couple of months so anything that can tide me over will be fine.
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    Bar ends are pretty easy to fit -you may just need to move the shifters and grips in a bit.