Mallorca in Spring

rogerthecat Posts: 669
edited March 2011 in Tour & expedition
Okay so after a 10 day training camp in Mallorca I would like to share a few observations

We were accommodated in Pallenca which is a small place to the North of the Island, from there we were able to be at the mountain range within a short period of time, now then, climbing for 8, 9, 10km was quite new to me as my biggest climb where I live is only about 2km, however I loved it, the views were / are awesome.

The weather was a bit, well good and bad, the first week was perfect about 13 degrees C, a light breeze and sunny, the seconds week however was wet cold and windy, just like UK but the roads were still great and the car divers still happy to see you.

My biggest regret was to hire a bike, let me expand, the group I was with all in all hired 10 bikes, of these bikes the following problems occurred:

1. Front derailleur need setting up kept throwing the chain.
2. Rear derailleur needed indexing as unable to use smallest cog.
3. Rear derailleur H / L limiters needed setting as chain was thrown into spokes causing a major issue, as occurred whilst climbing ended up throwing wheel out by a good 10mm.
4. Headset loose, needed tightening.
5. Left crank arm fell off on a decent.
6. Broken spoke.
7. The seats were not best suited for sitting on.
8. Rear Breakblock on the rear of a DA equipped bike was almost down to the metal.
9. Oh and the tires on the bikes were the thinnest tyres I have ever come across, loads of punctures all round.

All of these points were not noticed until out on the road less the Front derailleur issue, I would like to add we had with use some novice riders as part of the camp.

Okay other than the bikes, Mallorca is Cycling Nirvana IMO, the roads were good quality no great quality the other road users actually were not there to kill us unlike the UK but would stop on roundabouts and let our peloton move across as a group, we would be warned as a car approached from the rear by a small toot of the horn.

Cost, OMG I had no idea how expensive Spain / Mallorca was, (never been before), we were self catering to begin with, so a loaf of bread was bordering 2 pound fifty, as the Euro is like 1.13 to the pound at the moment I went through 200 euro very quickly, thankfully the second part of the camp was half board.

Will I go back? you are darn tooting I will, I covered 900km during my short stay, a lot of that going up hill, the descents made up for it however, would have been further however doing 160km in the rain as part of a peloton spitting water from the rider in fronts back wheel is not for this callsign.

So if reading this and you ignore my points regarding the hire of bike, do remember to take a tool kit and go over your hire bike with a fine toothed comb, AND take your own saddle. Even my Assos were not up to the task. Oh and get some insurance. We did see rather a few riders come off bikes due to the speed of some of the descents and the sharp corners that jump up on you, furthermore if the road get damp they are quite slick, I had a few wheel spins when pulling out from junctions. (that have been down to the quality of the tyres, I am not sure)


  • solsurf
    solsurf Posts: 489
    Good tips there, why not take your own bike?
  • rogerthecat
    rogerthecat Posts: 669
    Did not have a Bike Box / Bag also I felt that my Summer ride (see below) was not worth the risk of taking, with hindsight I should have taken my CUBE. hey ho.
  • where did you rent bikes?
  • rogerthecat
    rogerthecat Posts: 669
    Procyclehire in Pollenca
  • garyspain
    garyspain Posts: 105
    I would just like to clarify one of the points you've made. Please don't assume that just because it's expensive where you were in Mallorce, that the rest of Spain is like that. Where we're based, you don't pay coastal, tourist prices, you pay local, mountain prices, that's for your ride coffees and rolls, and I'm talking a beast of a baguette for 3 euros (full to bursting with jamon serrano and local cured goats cheese.) A loaf of local bread will cost you 60 cents, a coffee usually 1 euro sometimes 1.20.
    Not everywhere charges the earth, and there are places other than Mallorce that can offer superb roads and challenging climbs.

  • rogerthecat
    rogerthecat Posts: 669
    Good to know Sarah, thanks. But £17.00 a night for an evening meal add's a lot to the bill, Although the location looks awesome.
  • garyspain
    garyspain Posts: 105
    Fair enough, but that's just eating with us, there are places in town where you can eat cheaper, also you don't have to have 3 courses, you can have a main meal for 10 euros and stuff like that. If you prefer to eat lunchtime, you can get a menu del dia, 3 courses with bread and a drink for around 9-10 euros. It can still be a holiday that doesn't stretch the pocket! (Plus you get free tapas with beer and wine here). Yum!!

  • bigjim
    bigjim Posts: 780
    These days I usually book an all inclusive deal in Mallorca and do day rides from the hotel equppied with the "picnic" they provide as part of the package. The hotel staff like cyclists and usually provide storage or do not turn a hair as you take your bike up to your room. Guess they appreciate you are not a lager lout. Plus you get to eat as much as you want and there is always a nice hot bath and fluffy towels to come back to.
    Trouble is, I notice flight coats are going through the roof, [trying to book a week at the moment] as is the cost of taking your own bike.
  • bobinski
    bobinski Posts: 570

    where do you stay?

  • bigjim
    bigjim Posts: 780
    Last year Delphin Verde in Alcudia. Year before Viva Village in can'picafort [can be expensive, look for deals], Aso done the Palma Nova Palace [too noisy]. I've had a realy good deal at the Balmes in Can Pastilla [dirt cheap for full board but can be noisy]. I go a lot as you can tell. I used to keep a bike out there permanently at my sisters place but she has sold up. Grrr...