Solo night ride



  • tenfoot
    tenfoot Posts: 226
    TownyDC wrote:
    night ride on for this Thursday, need to make the most of the dark evenings before they disapear.

    Quite right.

    Looking forward to stopping off for a beer once the weather warms up too......just the one beer, mind.
  • I spent £240 on a maxlight thingy 2 winters ago since moving here(after 6yrs in a long distance relationshiip whereby it never snowed much at wintertime, they were all mild)
    I've used it about half a dozen times cos the feckin snow has ruined everything two years on the trot!!!
    It's actually excellent going out at night, but phone reception round here is iffy, it's usually when the other half is on shift I'll go out too- so if I fell off and seriously injured myself it'd be a dodgy scenario....
    One night I met 4 coming the other way on a rather off the beaten track route who couldn't believe I was (stupid enough to be??!) doing this route alone.
    I've thought of laminating some printoffs of 1:25k local maps and then maybe using a marker pen to draw on the route, departure time and eta back and leave it with a neighbour so at least if something went wrong they'd know where to find the body.... :shock:
  • unixnerd
    unixnerd Posts: 2,864
    Someone from Kincraig, never seen you on here before :-) Where about do you go?

    At night I mainly go around Rothiemurchus, round the back of Lock Morlich and home by Badaguish. I only tend to explore in the daytime or use the road bike instead. - Quality Binoculars at a Sensible Price.
    Specialized Roubaix SL3 Expert 2012, Cannondale CAAD5,
    Marin Mount Vision (1997), Edinburgh Country tourer, 3 cats!
  • Howdy Unixnerd- Usually do the tracks from here through Inshriach to Loch an Eilan/Loch morlich/Glen Einich up to the loch, and my local area is more Inshriach/GlenFeshie up around the three lochans. TBH we are so spoilt here. can never see the point in driving the bike anywhere now(like Laggan WT) there's so much locally.
    Need to find a local club for road and xc....
  • Paulkingk wrote:
    I got chased by a horny Badger on my last night ride. i was alone and afraid

    Funny Shit
  • rudedog
    rudedog Posts: 523
    I'm a total fanny when it comes to nightriding - I always end up going on my own and freaking myself out midway when I hear some unexplained noise or catch a pair of eyes reflected by my light. Its no surprise I always go much faster at night :lol:
  • TownyDC
    TownyDC Posts: 157
    Paulkingk wrote:
    I got chased by a horny Badger on my last night ride. i was alone and afraid

    Funny shoot

    Went out on Thursday night, 3 of us, me leading, the usual rabbitt running out of the bushes and back in again and yes we experienced the monster that is Badger.
    Scared the hell out of me, although this one was running away from us rather than at us.
    Aren't they TB ridden?
    Very scary.

  • edwarj123
    edwarj123 Posts: 11
    I started going out at night last September/October after I bought some lights. I've ridden 1 or 2 nights a week for an hour or so all through winter and loved it. About 50% of the time I go out with my usual riding buddy but the other 50% on my own. I was a bit nervous the first few times on my own but soon got over that.

    I did go out in all the snow on my own too quite a lot at night, a bit foolish but won't stop me again next year.

    Over in the MoD land near Deepcut/Mytchett see quite a few rabbits, deer, foxes and badgers - makes you jump when you come round a corner and they're just stood there and then suddenly bolt.

    Looking forward to the lighter warmer evenings now though.