Lee Quarry tyres?

Almightydutch Posts: 264
edited March 2011 in Routes
Gonna be blasting up there in the next few weeks. What sort of tyres are recommended, cant quite tell what its like from the videos.

I run Ardent and Medusa for Cannock Chase but would like to know suggestions for Lee Quarry
4 wheels bad
2 wheels good
1 wheel for fun


  • dan shard
    dan shard Posts: 722
    Black rubbery ones :D

    Never been myself but from what Ive heard its a lot of loose stone/rock, slippery when wet and dusty when dry.

    Personally id go for high rollers / fat alberts given the choice but again its personal preference
  • stumpyjon
    stumpyjon Posts: 3,983
    2.35 High Rollers for me. The rock is pretty grippy all the time and there's a lot of it. There's also mud in places. Won't be much loose rock around given current conditions (it's raining here at the moment).
    It's easier to ask for forgiveness than for permission.

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  • Muttly1981
    Muttly1981 Posts: 815
    stumpyjon wrote:
    2.35 High Rollers for me. The rock is pretty grippy all the time and there's a lot of it. There's also mud in places. Won't be much loose rock around given current conditions (it's raining here at the moment).

    Me and my riding buddy both run 2.35 High Rollers up front and they were fine when up there a few weeks ago but the Crossmark's on the rear struggled on pretty much every climb we encountered so may opt for a High Roller on the back or just wait for the place too dry out a little before we head up again.

    BTW the link back down from Cragg to Lee is one of the most fun rides i've had with it being so fast yet so close to danger
    What if your dreams and fears existed in the same place? What if to get to heaven, you had to brave hell? What if everything you've ever wanted cost you everything you've ever achieved? Would you still go there?
  • bwfc4eva868
    bwfc4eva868 Posts: 717
    High Rollers front and rear here and its fine for me.
  • homers_double
    homers_double Posts: 8,427
    Somethng meaty, plenty of snakebiting rock slabs to contend with.


    Done here:-

    Advocate of disc brakes.
  • bunyip
    bunyip Posts: 52
    are they Panaracer fire xc pros that you've ripped up there? had some then realised they were s@ite and they're on my commuting bike now just to get my moneys worth!
  • grant43
    grant43 Posts: 170
    i use 2.35 high roller on front 2.25 crossmark on back pumped up hard no problems at all up lee and cragg
    keep smiling no matter how much it hurts,commencal ramones 1 loving it lol
  • FSRian
    FSRian Posts: 28
    i use panaracer fire xc pro's never had any issues with them in either of the quarries, plenty of traction and the snakebite protection has so far stopped me getting any flats on the rocky sections.

    only problem i had was a torn sidewall on the lee-cragg link path when descending, can only put it down to bad luck and a piece of slate.

    to be honest dont worry about tyres, use what you already use and think about your technique, be light on your wheels! we could spend years choosing tyres on other peoples reccomendations when they just may not work for us. stick with you know works and face it that sometimes we all get punctures, rips etc! just ride rather than panic :lol:
  • davewalsh
    davewalsh Posts: 587
    A pair of Ardents would be fine there, I run one on the back and a Minion up front. I'd avoid the Medusa's as there isn't much mud up there as it's mostly rock.
  • homers_double
    homers_double Posts: 8,427
    bunyip wrote:
    are they Panaracer fire xc pros that you've ripped up there? had some then realised they were s@ite and they're on my commuting bike now just to get my moneys worth!

    Yes, and I'm sorry but I disagree 100%.
    Advocate of disc brakes.