Richmond Park Time Trials 2011

These wonderful events are back for 2011, organised by London Dynamo (and more specifically, me).

26th June, 24th July and 7th August.

For an entry form, please email me at martin at quickerbybike dot com.

If you're not familiar with the event, it's a 10.4 mile TT starting at Robin Hood Gate and lapping anti-clockwise to Kinsgton Gate, where you dead-turn and retrace your route back to Robin Hood, before turning right to finish up the drag to Penn Ponds.

The course record is held by domestic TT legend Micheal Hutchinson. There is a good chance we'll have some 2012 pros racing this year. It's an extremely friendly and inclusive event: that is in fact the main point. There will be a strong ladies field. There are places reserved for juniors. There is a road bike category. There is even talk of a Boris Bike category! Watch this space.

The Park is beautiful and peaceful at that time in the morning (first rider 06.00) and there is no traffic before 7. The events are organised with the blessing and support of the Park Police and Cycling Time Trials.

Please feel free to spread the word but I would get your entry in first. TT entants are normally selected on the basis of fastest previous time. Because these events are intended to be inclusive and welcoming, it is your speed at sending me a cheque that will count.

Would you promote cycling on your shorts as you commute?


  • Entry form now available here. Many thanks to all those who took the trouble to email me for one. Still got spaces in all races.

    Would you promote cycling on your shorts as you commute?
  • martinwilly
    martinwilly Posts: 63

    Still spaces in all three events.

    If you race on your commute but have never raced for real, come to this event!

    It's a very friendly event and we want something different from the usual male-veteran-heavy time trial scene. And we've got it! There are stacks of girls entered, loads of novices and a few juniors.

    Come and RACE!
    Would you promote cycling on your shorts as you commute?