Best Trainer for me??

Nealmason1986 Posts: 97
edited December 2011 in Road beginners
Can i pick your guys brains?

I want a trainer! I know alot of people like the Cycleops fluid however are they really that good and how do they know when u want more resistance if they dont have a control on your handlebars?

if not the fluid whats the next best for under 180 ish?

Satori? cycleops magnetic?

the satori has a bad review on this site so its put me off a little. but it still seems popular.

any advice welcome please. what are classed as better trainers the ones that change resistance off your gears or ones that change from a separate control?

these questions prob get asked all the time and i have tried to find previous posts.

hope u can help and thanks for time.


  • Mr Dog
    Mr Dog Posts: 643
    I have a Satori. Works well with a trainer tyre , no slipping or dead spots. Variable resistance is pants.. just use the gears on your bike. The Jet Fluid Pro is well liked on the forum and is endorsed by none other than Nap D, a wise man who knows all things turbo. :wink:
    Why tidy the house when you can clean your bike?
  • I think the jet fluid pro is a bit out of my price range! Might be able to afford a fluid 2 though!

    Do all trainers need a training tyre? Don't want to ruin my current ones but would be good if I didn't have to other because I will need to get a spare wheel then!
  • twotyred
    twotyred Posts: 822
    I use a Kurt Kinetic Road machine which is a fluid trainer like the Jet Fluid Pro. It has the advantage that the resistance unit is sealed and magnetically coupled to the friciton wheel meaning no o-rings to leak. It is however a bit more expensive that the Cyclops unless you can find a deal like I did.

    Fluid trainers have a couple of advantages. Firstly, they take a bit of time of spin down so they feel more road-like i.e. if you stop pedalling they don't come to a sudden stop. Secondly there's no phaffing with settings. If you want more resistance just change up a gear.

    I don't bother with a special tyre and just use a cheap tyre on my summer bike. That means if its a nice dry winter day and I want to take that bike out I don't need to change tyres.
  • Hi there.
    I bought a Tacx Satori for £135
    It's been brilliant. I have set the resistance quite high and simply change up and down the gears on the bike.
    I have left the original tyres on the bike and used it on the turbo and the road all winter.
    My plan is to pop some sexy summer rubber on soon and throw the existing tyres in the bag when I put the turbo into hibernation for the summer.
    I'll swap em back to front for next winter n it's cheaper n less faff than a dedicated trainer tyre.
    Noise or slipping hasn't been an issue.
    I'd highly recommend it but I was a 'turbo virgin' only a few months ago so I can't compare it to other models.

    Buy one and learn to love your pain cave!!
  • thanks for the advice guys!

    so a turbo trainer doesnt really need a training tyre at all then?

    thats good to know.

    now i just need to decide which one to get!

    to many choices!
  • I was worried about the whole trainer tyre / spare wheel debate but figured that I'd give it a go and see how much the turbo ripped my tyre apart.
    The original tyres on the bike which were due an upgrade anyway have now done over 2000 miles including 300 miles on the turbo n they ain't gone threadbare yet.

    Happy days.
  • Cracking! thanks for that

    now i just cant decide

    the cycleops fluid 2 was on amazon for 175 last week but its gone up a bit now

    i would just bite the bullet and get a jetfluid but its expensive!

    what do people do for a rear cadence and computer? any good ones out there?
  • I bought a cheap computer on eBay for £4.50 and fitted the sensor on the rear wheel.
    The wire reaches the handlebar. It doesn't look sexy. When the bike is on the turbo I run the cheap computer then simply slide the display unit off, clip the cateye display unit on n I'm ready for the road. Simplees!!
    I don't measure cadence and obsess about it. I will occasionally count 20 revolutions and check that's 15 seconds = cadence of 80rpm, Simplees!
    It just helps tune your mind to what 80 feels like and helps your judgement guide you from there.

    Enjoy the turbo but fingers crossed for good weather n you'll want to be on the road instead...
  • twotyred
    twotyred Posts: 822
    what do people do for a rear cadence and computer?

    I use the Garmin speed and cadence sensor with my Garmin Edge 500. Or like the poster above says fit a computer to the back wheel. I guess if the wire doesn't stretch to the handlebars you could fix it temporarily to the top tube. If you don't have a power meter it really is handy to have speed read out especially with a fluid trainer.

    TBH its almost spring, the nights are getting lighter and in a couple of weeks I'll hardly be using a turbo. If I were you I'd save your money and hold off buying a turbo until October/November- or maybe wait until mid summer and see if there are any bargains.
  • rozzer32
    rozzer32 Posts: 3,920
    Agree with above, the clocks change in 3 weeks so probably best to wait and see if you can pick up a bargain during the summer
    ***** Pro Tour Pundit Champion 2020, 2018, 2017 & 2011 *****
  • yeah i am thinking you guys are right.

    i have a spare wheel now with a tyre on it and a cassette. and i got it for 50 quid off ebay and will just keep that and spread the cost.

    half way there now

    so will shell the rest out when i spot a bargin in summer

    thanks for all advice
  • Thanks for all the advice guys!

    but i spotted this for sale about 5 miles from me!

    i cant quite believe the bargain i have just got! ... 500wt_1156

    what do u think
  • fizz
    fizz Posts: 483
    I think you've got yourself a hell of a bargain.

    I have a Fluid 2, been very happy with it.
  • Yeah the fluid 2 sounded like a good bet!

    Never thought I would get one at that price though
  • Now you've had your fluid 2 for a year, how have you got on with it? I'm thinking of getting one too.

    Wiggle have what looks like a good offer for the trainer, mat, wheel riser sweat thong and DVD. My Sister's boyfriend has the magneto, but if you look at the costs of extras you get, the fluid 2 comes in about the same price as the magneto.