Installing headset

birdy247 Posts: 454
edited March 2011 in Workshop
Is installing a head set to a new frame/fork an easy job or one for the local bike shop?

Does it require any special tools? Is so, which ones?



  • birdy247
    birdy247 Posts: 454
    For info, its an integrated headset
  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    Most integrated headsets are simply drop-in bearings into the frame, however, you will need to have the crown-race fitted - you can DIY if you have a suitable length of pipe the right diameter or your LBS can do it in a jiffy. Suggest you look at headset installation on
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • Berk Bonebonce
    Berk Bonebonce Posts: 1,245
    No tools required, except for a crown race fitting tool (approx £40) and a crown race removal tool to remove the old one (approx £40). A job for a shop unless you want to invest in some tools that might only get very occasional use.