Zesty 514 or 514 XT Limited... and the best place to buy?

lhoward1976 Posts: 29
edited March 2011 in MTB buying advice
Hi folks...

It's time for a new ride... current plan is to move up from an '09 Rockhopper Expert (oh the irony!), to a Zesty 514, and I'm after some sagely advice from those in the know!

I've been poking round on t'internets, and have spotted a 514 "XT Limited" - the difference between this and the standard 514 being an XT crankset rather than SLX, and the princely sum of £100. Which begs a couple of questions: will I notice the difference, and is it worth £100? I have my own thoughts, but I'm no expert...

I also have some XTR shifters on the 'hopper that I'm thinking of swapping over to the new steed - would I be right in thinking it'll just be a case of bunging a 9-speed cassette on the Zesty and a shorter chain? I've noticed there are "9-speed" and "10-speed" cranksets out there - I wouldn't have thought there'd be any difference (see comment above about being no expert, though!)

Once I've been illuminated, it'll just be a case of finding an appropriate merchant to furnish me with the new ride... so any recommendations would be gratefully received...


  • Dave_P1
    Dave_P1 Posts: 565
    Not sure if your notice the difference between the cranks. But last time I looked, you couldn't pick up a brand new pair of XT cranks for £100.

    I know there's a difference between 9 / 10 speed chains & cassettes, but I can't see there being a difference with the cranks.
  • getonyourbike
    getonyourbike Posts: 2,648
    The price difference between XT and SLX is only £40, so I'd say definitely not worth it. You just pay for the 'Limited' nametag. There isn't even that much difference between slx and xt cranks anyway