La Pinarello?

I can see there are people on this forum who go to the Italian Gran Fondos - can anyone help a first timer?

I'm signed on for the 2011 Pinarello (July 17th) but struggling to work out how to get a medical certificate. The rules state "all participants are required to supply a copy of an official medical certificate which states they are in good health (or declaration from their GP)".

Can't find an "official medical certificate" form anywhere on Italian cycling websites, and don't know what a "declaration" would be.

My initial idea is to try my local GP - but I feel I need something for them to sign. I know about the expensive options - seem a bit over the top for something that might not even get looked at (so I hear) on the day.

What have others done? And is anyone else planning to go?

Andy Dawson

Continential Cycling Newbie[/quote]


  • Ron Stuart
    Ron Stuart Posts: 1,242
    All you normally need is a letter/certificate from your GP stating your in good enough health to take part in this type of indurance event. The doctor will usually come up with some weasel worded statement which kind of infers your fine but lets the doc of the hook should something happen. Hopefully the GP won't be churlish enough to charge you for the letter.

    heres a link to another blog.. ... earch=true

    Done the Maratona and the Nove Colli 4 times never had to produce either but that was a few years ago.
  • Thanks Ron,

    I'll have a go at getting a letter from the doc and report back on how that goes.

    Andy Dawson