Sportive Website Content – A Debate

KidsCan Posts: 104
Hi Everyone,
As you know we’re organising PEAK 100 – – a brand new spring classic cycle sportive. We have already had a great success with The Macc Monster in 2010 - - and we’re hoping to emulate that success with this event, before repeating The M.M. again.
As you can see both event have their own dedicated websites which I believe is the norm for sportives.
What I would love to know is this:
When you look on Sportive websites, does video content sway you into whether you sign up, or is it just a nice addition?

We’re hoping to shoot some footage of the route for PEAK 100, but I was just curious as to what keen cyclists such as yourselves thought about this!
I’d really appreciate some feedback.
Many Thanks,



  • maddog 2
    maddog 2 Posts: 8,114
    Not personally.

    Good map and profile information is the main thing for me. I need to know where it goes and be able to visualise how hard it is, and where the food stops are.
    Facts are meaningless, you can use facts to prove anything that's remotely true! - Homer
  • KidsCan
    KidsCan Posts: 104
    Hi Maddog,

    Thanks for your input.

    Do you think Peak100's website fits the bill for you?
  • Brian B
    Brian B Posts: 2,071
    Hi Kidscan,

    Your site looks good to me. As maddog replied above route info, named climbs and feed stations are what I am looking for. Good luck with you event.

    PS Its a bit far for me too travel to only do 100km - Most sportives have at a 100mile option.
    Brian B.
  • That's an excellent website Kidscan, unfortunately I have an event already booked for April otherwise I would fancy doing Mow Cop again. Only comment would be3 to say it's helpful to give distance and ascent in metric and imperial measures as that makes it easy to compare and get a feel for how hard the event is. I think the distance is fine, lots of people will find that more3 than enough while others will want more.
  • shoot video, lots of it and make it HD well edited stuff. you need to see what the atmosphere is all about too.
  • Bobbinogs
    Bobbinogs Posts: 4,841
    Yepp, I also look for simple route details and profile. I think your site is really nice in that it is clear, well laid out, loads quick (no OTT rich content), etc. Would have preferred to see the profile on the site rather than having to use the link to mapmyride because that site always takes ages to load and often has to reloaded to render properly.

    I don't bother with video as I would rather cycle a route myself then watching someone else doing it.

    I do like the text in that it makes it sound like a tough but enjoyable ride. I hate it when organisers seem to want to only appeal to macho man ("this is the toughest event in the history of mankind", yawn). I hope you have a great event. It does sound tempting but I am signed up for the harlequin hack audax which is a bit closer to home. I now have only 5 weeks to grow a beard and learn how to ride with sandals and socks :wink:
  • KidsCan
    KidsCan Posts: 104
    Hi everyone

    I just want to say thank you for all your fantastic feedback.

    We've got over 50 riders so far and I'm sure we'll get the rush of riders like we did for The Macc Monster the closer we get to the date.

    Here's to a great event!

    Many thanks,
