What Do You Look For in a Bike Shop?

malglass Posts: 19
edited March 2011 in The bottom bracket
Hi All

Just thought I would get your thoughts on this.

I am not a big fan of the large bike shops, I find them to be ill informed in both product knowledge and customer service. Yes they sometimes offer good value, however they dont compete very well with the large online retailers.

Local bike shops are nice places to go after a while, most dont take kindly to strangers and its not until tou have turned up in lycra one day do they actually take you to be one of their own!! Once that happens they are generally a nice place to be, however they are sometimes not the most professional. Especially when it come to communication. I have been looking at upgrading for the last six months or so and whilst I appreciate that it has been a range change, trying to get the shops to call me when the new bikes have arrived has frankly been a nightmare.

I really dont see why I should have to chase them to see when a new bike has come in.

Some of them are also very outdated in terms of merchandising, this does not make for the most pleasant of shopping experiances.

This has ended up sounding more like a rant rather than something constructive!!

Perhaps your comments will be better.


  • neiltb
    neiltb Posts: 332
    I couldn't agree more. Since I moved to Canada I have found 1 where the staff are polite, knowledgeable, open. The rest have been stuck up pretentious types who judge that I don't have a clue as soon as I walk in, jokes on them, I have no problem taking my money elsewhere.

    Maybe it's my age, too old for the kids and their tattoos/piercings, too young for the miserable old farts that have been in the business for years.
    FCN 12
  • B3rnieMac
    B3rnieMac Posts: 384
    what do I look for? Bikes and cycling equipment, mainly.
  • Cressers
    Cressers Posts: 1,329
    ...and silence as opposed to Waydeeeyowun blaring out at ear-splitting volume.