Psycho Drives Through 100+ cyclists because he's in a hurry!


  • frenchfighter
    frenchfighter Posts: 30,642
    Goodness me that is extremely appalling. I don't recall having seen something so manically brutal and fueled by evil in a domestic arena.

    I feel for those involved and hope the full force of the law sends this person to prison on multiple life sentances.
    Contador is the Greatest
  • bazbadger
    bazbadger Posts: 553
    Very shocking.

    A similar thing happened recently in Egypt - with a Police Van ploughing through people at speed.

    Another low for humanity.
    Mens agitat molem
  • Karl2010
    Karl2010 Posts: 511
    its horrific
  • Pokerface
    Pokerface Posts: 7,960
    It's also already in Cake Stop where it belongs.