UK to Spain (Alicante) ~1st May?

glb37 Posts: 7
edited March 2011 in Tour & expedition
UK To Spain - Alicante region, stay a week or so, and back. Someone to accompany me on an extreme budget? I'm single male (hetrosexual), 47, unemployed, unfit.

Hi, I've joined this forum for interesting reading about others' stories and tips with cycling, but also, wondering if there is someone out there who would like to accompany me from somewhere in UK (I’m at central Scotland) to Spain - ~ 1st May.
I could to describe myself as fully as possible in private emails.

I'm wondering if there is someone who is contemplating a long tour and is looking for one person (me) as company - where it would be a matter of gaining fitness enroute, at no fast pace, but to enjoy the challenges of simply getting to my chosen location (where I've been to before once by public transport years ago). Mainly wild camping, but occasional b&b or camp site every 3, 4 or 5 days. Once there we would stay in one location for, say, a week or so - where we could chill out and recover, swim in a good quiet outdoor swimming pool, eat well, and socialise. I’m generally a quiet shy person. I'm only just fit enough for about 60 miles per day (I don’t work out – not motivated being unemployed, next to no money, etc.). And company on a long tour would be good.
It would take about 8 weeks to 9 weeks in total to travel from (and back to) UK. Using something like a Plymouth ferry to France, down through west coast of France, and after Pyrenees zig zag inland aiming for the east coast of Spain to Alicante region. We could do self catering - renting a small place for a week - whilst enjoying a quiet relaxing time in one urbanisation I know of, which is about 3 miles from a small unspoilt town on the coastal region, near to Javea.

It just takes one person to feel as though they would like to do the same thing, is similar in fitness - although I would prefer it if the person is fitter than me - to give inspiration on the long tiring hills, and mental strength etc. And also to become a friend.glb37 Posts: 6 Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2010 11:25 am


  • mallorcajeff
    mallorcajeff Posts: 1,489
    Fair play to you If I had the time I would be the first to come with you for the challenge really love the idea. Im stuck working to pay a morgage at the moment but if I wasnt Id be the first with you. Good luck on it sounds a great thing to do.