The Race Reports Thread 2011
Eddie Soens memorial race Aintree Sat March 5th
Me and my son(mentalalex) did this yesterday. I'm a 4th Cat, alex J3(for now). With the number of elites entered I was slightly nervous about how it was going to go. We had a 3 minute start over the elites on the 1.65 mile circuit and got away fairly quickly. Think we were about 20 secs down on lapping them at the end of lap 1 but it was proving hard to get people to work together. Meanwhile the Raleigh boys were hammering on the front and were soon away and caught us before the half way point. The pace surged for a while and I remember briefly looking down and we were doing 32-33 mph.!! The group was just under 150 riders at this point-never been in such a big bunch. Had drifted back a bit and it was virtually impossible to get through once that had happened. Settled for a safe finish in the bunch and an average of 27.3 mph for just under 50 miles. Was a great experience and will definitely be back next year0 -
Bronzie - I was in that race yesterday. Enjoyed it and like you was keen to finish in the bunch as been nursing a cold all week. The guy in black seemed to hang out in front of us for ages. Like you I did not have the legs for the spring at the end and coasted in around the same position as you. Riding with a cold not advisable though my average heart rate was 168bpm0
haggisinlondon wrote:The guy in black seemed to hang out in front of us for ages.0
freehub wrote:
I was at the front, 28mph down the other straight, when this brown and white greyhound or w/e you call them suddenly came out of the bushes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, I went straight into it, then another cyclist hit the dog at the same speed in the ribs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How was the Dog ?0 -
""Pursuit 3 tomorrow with an extra lap, but forecast for much less wind. I reckon we'll get caught in around the same place, then have another lap with the high cat riders forcing the pace, as more and more fall off the back. I think the best I can hope for is for the same as the previous, be near the front at the foot of the hill and do my best on it.""
Did you manage it Milese?..
It seemed like the pace had picked up massively from the first 2 races?...Cracking finish to the series..marred for me only by the parochial distorted reports published by BC and no doubt provided by the host club....they were as bad as I've seen in terms bigging up their riders as though there hadn't been any other entries ! BC should really check out some of that guff before sticking it on their webste.0 -
fatboy, find answers below!
Spring Time Pursuit 3
As mentioned an extra lap this time, to 46 miles. I again started in the second group. I thought we'd work as we previously had, but it immediately became apparent that no one wanted to do any work. I went through a few times, to look over my shoulder for no one to come through. It ended with 2 guys swapping turns on the front, until we were caught fairly early
The pace went up a bit, but nothing stupid. With about 2 laps to go we were caught by the remaining groups and the high numbered riders moved to the front. Before I noticed with a lap and a half to go a dozen or so riders had broken off the front. I was too far back to try and get involved. No one had successfully broken away in the previous 2 races so I hadn't seen it coming.
The breakaway disappeared and were clearly going to stay away. With half a lap to go the pace dropped right back as everyone took it easy.
I again got to a position of about 10/15 back at the foot of the climb and managed to hold that rough position up the hill. Was pleased as the previous week I had lost quite a few places up the climb, but probably gained a couple this week.
Once the breakaway was clearly staying away I dont think the remaining riders took it too seriously, and saved their legs for a 25m 2 up TT the following day, as I'd overheard.
Final position confirmed as 20th, with a time of 2 mins 12 seconds on the winner, but same time as 11th, meaning there must have been 10 in the break.
Average HR 152, ave speed 24.0 mph.
Maybe I'm getting stronger, but it felt a lot easier than the previous 2 weeks, (ave HR 157 & 164) even with the extra lap. Bring on the 4th cat only race at Ilton next week.
Ref the reports, you've got to read them with a pinch of salt. They obviously focus on the riders they know, and cant tell each individual story. That is what this thread is for!0 -
normally i take club site reports with a pinch of salt milese...but this one needed a wheelbarrow full.0
Toks wrote:jibberjim wrote:Toks wrote:And why aren't you racing this Sunday with the KW crew?
'cos me and Maryka are the organisers, and whilst I could've raced one, I'd rather help make sure it all runs smoothly!
With 1 lap gone, I got in a break with George and about 5 others. Unfortunately it was one of the worst breaks Ive been in - only George, a Kingston Wheelers guy and myself were doing any significant work at the front with the others sitting in a lot of the time. George and myself tried a couple of times to go our own way but got dragged back by the rest of the break. After a frustrating 30 miles the inevitable happened and we were caught by the bunch so my win was not looking so good.
We spent a couple of non eventful laps sitting in the pack and then George decided to have another dig and I couldnt let him go on his own so jumped onto his wheel and off we went. Unfortunately George legs were missing today and he bailed almost immediately leaving me out in front of the pack with about 10 miles to go. I was a bit committed now so thought I may as well trundle off on my own (ive been practising this on the CGs) and quickly passed Rob and a Redhill guy who were dangling 50 yards off the front and just drilled it as hard as I could.
I was feeling good, I had a good gap, I went through the bell and spent the last lap on my own on full gas crossing the line to win my first road race.
I had plenty of time to see the others cross the line and think Rob was about 8th with George, Richard and Dan in the pack.
Big thanks to all the ACC riders who came out to support and also to George for slowing down the pack for me.Well done to Jim and Maryka and the Wheelers for putting on what I hear was a good race. More ACC back slapping here ... =4&t=12390
Race Video: ... r_embedded0 -
Toks wrote:Big thanks to all the ACC riders who came out to support and also to George for slowing down the pack for me.[/i]Well done to Jim and Maryka and the Wheelers for putting on what I hear was a good race.
Everything went well which was good. Paul did a great ride, KW felt it would be a little bit cheesy to win our own race so we had to let someone else win... He was a little lucky with the commissaire though, as the 20.10.4 rule violation would've possibly had him DQ'd if there were others. Wouldn't've been a very nice though as he undoubtedly deserved to win.Jibbering Sports Stuff: -
Do tell Jim.
Watched the Youtube, cracking win going solo, don't see that often in a cat 30 -
Homer J wrote:Do tell Jim.
Rule 20.10.4
Where a vehicle, not being an official vehicle, but
connected with a rider or riders in a race, immediately
precedes or follows a race without the permission of
the Chief Commissaire, [...], the rider or riders concerned
shall be withdrawn from the race
Notice the car behind Paul...
But we won't hold that against a great ride but having a strange unknown car in the middle of the race convoy (between the rider and the asst comm!) is a little worrying for us organisers.Jibbering Sports Stuff: -
It did cross my mind that I could get penalised for this but there wasnt a lot I could do about it. I think he just carried away and wanted to show off his new car.
Thanks for organising a great race.
Paul0 -
paulsculler wrote:It did cross my mind that I could get penalised for this but there wasnt a lot I could do about it. I think he just carried away and wanted to show off his new car.
I don't think there was really any chance of you getting penalised for it in the race, and I would've thought it pretty unfair if you did! (But as Toks asked over on your forum, and I couldn't there...)
Brilliant ride!Jibbering Sports Stuff: -
Spring Chicken RR - Sat 12/3/11 near Aylesbury - Cat 3/4
Got to the HQ with an hour to go, which is normally fine, but my mate who was travelling with me hadn't ridden the course before and was a bit worried about it due the potholes the organiser had warned us about in the programme. So a quick whizz round the 11 mile circuit left us a bit short on time, but at least we knew where the worst bits were. And there were some very dodgy bits of road indeed.
I was down as 5th reserve so wasn’t 100% sure of a ride, but it turned out there were plenty of no-shows, so I was in without having to wait around at the start. But driving round the course left hardly any time for a warmup.....and in fact by the time we’d had the briefing, we had no time at all. Not good.
So we’re all outside the HQ trying to line up but it’s a bit chaotic due to cars trying to get through. By the off, one of the comm’s cars has ended up halfway up the bunch, and having been behind it and thinking I’d be nicely placed at the front, I’d skilfully managed to find my way near enough at the back of the bunch. Ar$e.
As soon as the flag drops, it’s full gas although I managed to surf my way up the bunch a little in the strong tailwind. Legs were screaming a bit on account of the lack of warmup, but I was hanging in there. One of the dodgiest bits of the circuit was the fast downhill followed by tight left down a very narrow lane (4m wide max) which had potholes and long cracks and splits in the middle of the road. Tried to keep near the front, but so did the 80 others. Fun. A few tentative attacks had gone up the road, but as we were still banging along, nothing was getting far.
A short steepish climb (with a really bad surface) took us back to the start and around to complete lap 1. So far, so good. All 3 of us from my club were still in the bunch. Back to the tight left and narrow lane and I have a moment when the rider in front locks up and I pull my foot out as I jam my brakes on, but manage to get going again although I’ve lost a few places again. Trying to move back up on the right a little further on and I spot 2 cars heading towards us pulled in to the verge. Need to move left, but shouldn’t be a problem as there’s space. Next thing I know, the rider to my left shoots his right hand out to indicate the cars, whacks my bars and somehow I manage to lose the front wheel. I have really no idea how such an innocuous little knock had me losing control, whether I caught the edge of the road, a crack or pothole, I don’t know, but I end up falling on my left pretty hard. Sh!t sh!t sh!t. I can’t believe it, 2nd race back after my crash last May and I’m on the deck again.
I was badly winded and thought I’d done my left collarbone again, but after a few moments and with the 1st aiders help (thank you Peter Nolan!) I manage to get up and sit on the verge while I get myself together. Helmet split again, although I don’t remember hitting my head, but I feel fine apart from being very sore. Get a lift back to the HQ starting to feel pretty stiff, but at least my mate can drive my car home. Or so I thought. Noted from my Garmin that we’d averaged nearly 25mph for the 17 miles I managed to stay upright. Pretty rapid for a 3/4.
Waiting for everyone else to get back and there’s a lad from High Wycombe CC ripped from head to toe who’d gone over his bars after hitting a hole. Then news comes in of a big crash just leading up to the sprint. Several riders down and one needing an ambulance. You can guess who that was. Yep, my mate has taken a bad fall, landing on his face and getting KO’d in the process. FFS! So not only do I have to drive home after all, but I’ve got to collect his bike and kit (including blood spattered Oakleys). Luckily, his nephew was on hand to make the call to his girlfriend.
Four hours in A&E later, I’ve got a cast on my left wrist (fractured scaphoid), one very pissed off wife and a mate with broken little finger, chipped tooth and face in a mess, but he’s released to go home at least. So my comeback has totalled 35 miles of racing.........and according to SWOMBO, I’m in such a huge deficit of brownie points, it’ll be a couple of years before I’m allowed back. Time to take up golf?0 -
Sshhit, Bronzie what a nightmare!!. Reading your report things started off quite well I thought you were just gonna have a couple of typical cat 3/4 dicey moments. I hope you and your mate get well quite quickly. Good luck with acquiring those brownie points0
Yes bad luck bronzie! I see there were only 51 finishers - out of an 80 field that's an quite a drop out rate! The RR thread not doing so well at the moment - it's mostly a crash report thread.Jibbering Sports Stuff:
Hi Bronzie,
Sorry to hear about your break. I was also riding the Chicken yesterday and got caught up in the periphery of the bunch sprint crash. I heard the all too familiar crunch of carbon fibre to my left but thought I'd made it through safely when a rider shot out of the bunch and landed right in front of me. I went over the handlebars but luckily escaped without serious injury, just a sprained wrist and some bruising to my shoulder. I was enjoying the race up til then, a nice pace and what would have been a good circuit if it hadn't been for the appalling condition of the roads. I did manage to get back up and finish though – and surprisingly placed 42nd0 -
Well done for finishing Justin. Think there were 15 riders in the final crash, saw a couple of trashed frames at the finish and plenty of shredded lycra. Lucky there weren't any major broken bones.
Who do you ride for by the way?0 -
Banbury Star CC0
I opened my season with a 25-mile time trial on the E1 25/b (not a fast course - a bit lumpy and on a B-road). I was supposed to be doing a two-up, but my partner was still suffering from a lengthy chest infection and we realised in the warm-up that there was no way he could race, so I did it solo. I did 1:07:42, which is about a minute and a half slower than my best for the course, but about a minute and a half faster than I went in the same event this time last year, so I'm happy enough with that. I spoke to the 2nd placed guy who'd done a 56 - respectable enough on that course. But the winner was Alex Dowsett (getting some useful training in) with a staggering 49.0
ju5t1n wrote:Banbury Star CCgattocattivo wrote:But the winner was Alex Dowsett (getting some useful training in) with a staggering 49. -
ju5t1n wrote:
I heard the all too familiar crunch of carbon fibre to my left
That was the sound of the top tube breaking on a two week old S-Works SL2. Big chunk out of it and cracked almost all the way round. Owner (High Wycombe CC) devastated and beaten up, but more concerned about his bike. Another HWCC went down in the pile up too, and neither finished. So five HWCC riders, three of them crashed, another shelled out early on, and the last one top twenty, I think. Not a great day.0 -
proto wrote:ju5t1n wrote:
I heard the all too familiar crunch of carbon fibre to my left
That was the sound of the top tube breaking on a two week old S-Works SL2. Big chunk out of it and cracked almost all the way round. Owner (High Wycombe CC) devastated and beaten up, but more concerned about his bike. Another HWCC went down in the pile up too, and neither finished. So five HWCC riders, three of them crashed, another shelled out early on, and the last one top twenty, I think. Not a great day.
The whole "don't race what you can't afford to replace" adage applies, but I'd extend that to include "don't race something so pretty that you'll be heartbroken if it needs repair and looks like sh!t afterwards" -- personally we don't care that Jim's bike is battle-scarred now but I know a lot of people look at it in horror. In any case, it's just as structurally sound as it ever was and he continues to ride and crash it regularly.
Sorry to hear about the crashes and injuries at the Spring Chicken! I had checked our course (Dunsfold) a month before our race to try and get as many holes filled as I could and luckily the council did most of them and I deemed it to be safe on race day. Not sure if Thomo had the same luck -- but it sounds like the circuit in its current condition was maybe not suitable for an 80-rider 3rd cat field? Thoughts?0 -
I rode the Spring Chicken several times in the 90s - it was always a nice way to ease into the season and the only panic I ever remember was when a horse got mixed up in the bunch one year and the race blew apart for a lap or two. Mind you, I think a 'full field' back then was 60 riders, and I don't ever remember it being full. Accidents will happen on any circuit, but something has obviously changed in the meantime....0
maryka wrote:Not sure if Thomo had the same luck -- but it sounds like the circuit in its current condition was maybe not suitable for an 80-rider 3rd cat field? Thoughts?
There was nothing bad near to the finish line where I think the big crash happened.0 -
For my first season's racing I'm sticking to the relative safety of the closed circuits - hasn't stopped me being taken down by one crash and nearly hobbled by another - neither of which were my fault - out of two starts!
Race report from yesterday's Goodwood 4ths is on my blog, so I won't take up space here with a copy and paste: ... astrophes/My cycle racing blog:
If you live in or near Sussex, check this out: -
^ good blog0
Ilton Circuit 12th March - 4th Cat only
Started my first ever circuit race and first 4th Cat only race of the season on Saturday in a field of around 40.
Turned up and it started 15 minutes later than advertised, and was for 40 mins plus a lap not the hour advertised. No big deal but think they got some of the other races much more wrong.
After being pleased with my performances in the earlier Spring Time Pursuits I was looking forward to 4th cat racing, and was hopefull of some points. My pre race optimism was suffering as I looked around the field and saw a load of other riders who looked more than capable.
The course is just over 3 miles long, with a definate hilly side and quite strong winds. The corners are so wide, with 'junctions' for other run ways, that make parts huge tarmac areas where it is not always clear where the course goes, or what the best line is. I thought it would start going uphill from the line to give an uphill sprint, but it was the other way around, aparently to avoid the bend at the bottom that was problematic last year.
The pace was high from the start with some Primal riders forcing it a long. There were one or two attacks that were quickly closed down, one of which taught me a valuable lesson in getting boxed in as I was stuck behind a rider who was incapable of increasing the pace as everyone else surged forward on both sides.
I tried to keep myself in the front 8 or so positions and bar the odd moment managed that quite well. As we went around the laps I was trying to work out the best position to be in for the final corner before the inevitable sprint. I decided it would be best to go wide and hopefully come around holding onto the edge of the bunch, with plenty of room to avoid any trouble and not get boxed in.
Going up the hill to the final section I looked at my computer. 172 beats. Worried that I didn't have enough beats left for any kind of sprint.
As it happened I got it wrong and couldn't get there, so changed plan and got an ok positon on the inside. With around 500 metres to go it was it a bit sureal, waiting for moves that didn't seem to come, until a couple jumped from the middle, and another couple from the sides. I went, tried to get across diagonally onto a wheel but couldn't quite catch it, so kept my head down and tried to hold what I had already counted as 5th place.
The run in is wide and slightly downhill, into a headwind. I started in the saddle, then got out of the saddle, before deciding that I'd be better off in the saddle. Downhill sprinting into the wind seemed unnatural. Landed 5th place.
Pleased. Success in the sprint seemed to mostly be to do with being in a good position to start with, and timing your jump accordingly. I think the first 5 all finished in the order that they jumped. One more 5th and I'm a third cat.
Ave speed 23.5mph, ave HR 160. Found a new max HR, 184 up from 182 (not during the sprint - 180).0