No Bikes Allowed

Lowride Posts: 214
edited February 2011 in Routes
I went up my local woods today, I`ve been riding up there for around ten years. In that time I`ve probably seen walkers in the woods no more than five times.
Today I saw a sign saying no bikes, horses or motorbikes. If the wood was popular I would be able to understand it more but 99.9% of the time there is never anybody up there.
My Dad does Trail Riding with an enduro motorbike, they go down Green Lanes and they are constantly having problems with local council`s trying to close off the places they ride. Everybody just wants everything for themselves.

What did I do when I saw the sign? I carried on riding
Specialized til I die


  • welshkev
    welshkev Posts: 9,690
    perhaps the woodland has been bought by a new owner?

    there's woods that i ride in that was omned by a guy who lived miles away and never even visited the woodland and we used to ride there all the time. now locals have leased it off him and some are a bit arsey with us riding there, they've stopped camping and MX riding there and they've said that they'll stop mountain biking if we become a nusiance, make a mess etc.

    basically, it's not your land, it's whoever owns it and if they want to put up a sign saying no cycling they can. only you know if it'll be a big problem as you ride there a lot by the sound of it, i ride on common land and footpaths out in the sticks by me and never had any problems, but it is strictly speaking illeagal and if someone was there patrolling and i got busted i could have no argument really.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,666
    Lowride wrote:
    Today I saw a sign saying no bikes, horses or motorbikes.
    Meh, just carry on riding regardless. Most of the best places to ride are technically "out of bounds"
  • Lowride
    Lowride Posts: 214
    The wood is owned by the woodland or wildlife trust. There`s some other woods nearby with the exact same sign but they`ve been up for years. I`ve been stopped twice by a 'ranger' in one of the other woods. He said bikes were`nt allowed in there because of wild orchids. I asked him why it was okay for him to drive his 4x4 thru the wood but not me to ride my bike, he said because he knew where the orchids were lol.

    He asked me to push my bike out of the wood so I rode off
    Specialized til I die
  • welshkev
    welshkev Posts: 9,690
    i guess you just take your chances then, if the worst they're going to do is ask you to get off and push then just ride there....but look out for the orchids :lol:
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,666
    Lowride wrote:
    The wood is owned by the woodland or wildlife trust. There`s some other woods nearby with the exact same sign but they`ve been up for years. I`ve been stopped twice by a 'ranger' in one of the other woods. He said bikes were`nt allowed in there because of wild orchids. I asked him why it was okay for him to drive his 4x4 thru the wood but not me to ride my bike, he said because he knew where the orchids were lol.

    He asked me to push my bike out of the wood so I rode off
    And of course, you can walk through without knowing where they are :roll:

    If I was you, I'd hire a monster truck and go back there to sort things out :lol:
  • welshkev
    welshkev Posts: 9,690
    Lowride wrote:
    The wood is owned by the woodland or wildlife trust. There`s some other woods nearby with the exact same sign but they`ve been up for years. I`ve been stopped twice by a 'ranger' in one of the other woods. He said bikes were`nt allowed in there because of wild orchids. I asked him why it was okay for him to drive his 4x4 thru the wood but not me to ride my bike, he said because he knew where the orchids were lol.

    He asked me to push my bike out of the wood so I rode off
    And of course, you can walk through without knowing where they are :roll:

    If I was you, I'd hire a monster truck and go back there to sort things out :lol:

    i used to have this argument with my dad who's a keen 'rambler' he used to bitch about mountain bike tyres wrecking the ground but my argument was that how many 100's if not 100's more walkers are there than mountain bikers that erode the earth with their feet. and of course orchids have a magic forcefield around them that protects them from being stepped on :D
  • Careful if it's an SSSI.
    Northwind wrote: It's like I covered it in superglue and rode it through ebay.
  • Sod it ride were you like, I sometimes ride in privately owned woods, I dont over use the trail, i dont dig it up to make jumps and i am always courteous to ramblers and horse riders.
  • tbh the only people i dont like in the woods where i am are the motor bikers /trail bikers who completely ruin the woods with their bikes, real pain.

    Bikes/cycles do so little damage to woods it really isnt even worth them trying to make up a excuse why you cant use them, my personal favourite is this:

    "there are special kind of seeds in the woods which are very easly destroyed when you bike over them"...

    tell that i said to the 10 deer who i see running around the woods...

    " we dont have deer in these woods"

    you do now i said,

    Considering they were the local wood watching group i put them to shame with my local know how:)

    id keep bikeing there tbh
    London2Brighton Challange 100k!
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,666
    "there are special kind of seeds in the woods which are very easly destroyed when you bike over them"...

    tell that i said to the 10 deer who i see running around the woods...
    You have mountain biking deer? frikking AWESOME! :D