Hands Off Hamsterley - please support!

goosey Posts: 103
edited February 2011 in Routes
All users of FC facilities in England are urged to come along to Hamsterley Forest, Co. Durham on Saturday 26th Feb at 11am to show your support for the campaign to prevent the sell-off.

Hamsterley Trailblazers are one of the many organisations which have come out against the proposals. We believe they have the potential to seriously diminish public access.

Helen Goodman MP will be one of the speakers at the event. Please support us and give mountain biking at Hamsterley a secure future.


  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,666
    Not another thread on the bleeding sell off.
    Have you not heard that it's been scrapped anyway?
  • Not another thread on the bleeding sell off.
    Have you not heard that it's been scrapped anyway?

    no. what are your sources?

    i would come along but unfortunately i am at work, hamsterley's my local trail centre.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,666
    What are my sources? National press, a few press conferences, etc etc.
  • neninja
    neninja Posts: 424
    Not scrapped - delayed for further consultation.

    That will go one of 2 ways - it will quietly go away or it will quietly be pushed through parliament when there is another big story grabbing the headlines.

    I'll be at Hamsterley - the more we support these events, the more likely it will quietly go away in a face saving exercise.
  • goosey
    goosey Posts: 103
    Have you not heard that it's been scrapped anyway?
    yeehaamcgee - exactly what the Government hoped you would think. Quite a lot of the media didn't bother to check the facts properly either.
    The Government has put on hold a small number of sales which were going ahead anyway under legislation from the last Government. It certainly has NOT scrapped the sale plans.

    If you are happy for access to FC land to be reduced to the levels you enjoy in the rest of the countryside (bridleways and byways only) then you don't need to worry about the sell-off. For those of us who think that would be a major erosion of our access rights, there is a battle on our hands.

    Please support this campaign by coming to Hamsterley. If you've never had the chance to ride there before, this is it!
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,666
    goosey wrote:
    Please support this campaign by coming to Hamsterley. If you've never had the chance to ride there before, this is it!
    No thanks.
    Welsh forests aren't being sold off either. You'e blowing this way out of proportion.
  • shx8000
    shx8000 Posts: 222
    Unless central government stop funding the welsh assembly and Scottish parliament and move everything back to London. It'd definately be a cheaper optiot ( in my limited knowledge opinion).

    Then no ones Forrest will be safe ;). We should all support against this bullshit scheme, and nip it in the bud now.

    Althogh, if th government carry on privatising everything, will my taxes go down??? No need to answer that, it's abvious.
  • goosey wrote:
    Please support this campaign by coming to Hamsterley. If you've never had the chance to ride there before, this is it!
    No thanks.
    Welsh forests aren't being sold off either. You'e blowing this way out of proportion.

    ohhhwwww riiiiggggghhhttt...

    http://www.bikeradar.com/mtb/news/artic ... les--26698


    http://www.bikeradar.com/mtb/news/artic ... ales-27034
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,666
    ^^ yeah, terrible, innit, but?
  • in no way what so ever did that sway my decision to move to Cardiff...... honest.
  • goosey wrote:
    Please support this campaign by coming to Hamsterley. If you've never had the chance to ride there before, this is it!
    No thanks.
    Welsh forests aren't being sold off either. You'e blowing this way out of proportion.

    and you're generalising and ignoring facts as well as belittling people who actually care. if it doesn't bother you, and you don't ride hamsterley, why keep replying in the thread? forum troll alert :roll:
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,666
    stevie_ wrote:
    forum troll alert :roll:
    Nothing new there then. I'm hoping I can win it this year.
    But seriously, this topic comes up all the frigging time. There's a few people over-worrying things, who can't seem to use the search function.

    If you want to all pull together to change something, then at least learn to co-exist together in a thread. If you can't even do that, then there's not much hope for organising anythign that's going to change things.
  • goosey
    goosey Posts: 103
    We won the war! :)
    Let's make it a party instead.
    Thanks for your support yeehaamcgee, you can be very proud of the part you played.
  • We won the war!

    Only a battle I suspect.

    I bet the plans come back in a while, less publicity, a few acres at a time.
    The effect will be the same though :(