Road Shoe inserts

ADIHEAD Posts: 575
edited February 2011 in Road buying advice
Hi guys

I've a set of Sidi carbon sole shoes that are slightly too big. With winter socks they're fine, with summer socks however my feet slip slightly. Main reason for going for this size is that my other shoes were slightly tight. Left foot is nearer to a size 9, right foot closer to 8 & a half! Have been using Neone heel raisers and getting on ok but think I can do better with full insoles. So am looking at Specialized BG inserts and Sole, heat moldable inserts.

Does anyone have experience of either as not sure which way to go? Was going to go for a new set of Shimano custom fits but really can't justify them for a year or so unless I absolutely need to as spent far too much recently already!



  • sungod
    sungod Posts: 17,553
    the bg inserts are certainly more substantial than the flimsy sidi ones

    they're not really meant for size adjustment, but will take up a little more space so might be ok for you

    they also come with shims, and instructions, if you do need to alter fot angle then the shim will also use some more space, if you are neutral then i guess you could use orange+yellow shims to give a flat pad

    the bg inserts come in red, blue, green (aka +, ++, +++), in order of increasing levels of arch support

    if you don't pronate, get red, otherwise i'd go for blue, the green ones have a massive amount of support so imho it's unlikely you'd need them if you don't already know you need extra support

    quick guide, try this barefoot...

    stand on one leg, lower other foot to the floor, if your ankle moves inwards as your weignt goes onto the foot then you probably pronate enough to need the blue ones

    stand on one leg and half squat - if your knee moves inwards you may need varus shim(s) (orange), if it moves outward you may need varus shim (yellow)
    my bike - faster than god's and twice as shiny
    ADIHEAD Posts: 575
    Cheers Sundog. Done the tests and reckon I need blue, which apparently is what my brother's done with his SIDI's also, same size feet and he gets on fine :)

    Know they're not meant for fixing size issues really and will be getting some Shimano custom fits, just not yet.....