new frame!

trail jacker
trail jacker Posts: 844
edited February 2011 in MTB buying advice
Hi All,

Been thinking of upgrading my GT frame ('07 Aggressor XC3) to an on one 456 summer season, was wondering if there will be any weight benefit of the swap...? (18")

Also if anyone has any recommendations for tough hardtail frames (sub £300) that would be great!



  • if the frame is lighter, thus in theory, the overall weight of the bike is lighter, then you will have better acceleration. PS- let me know how you get on with with that 456, after one meself...
    Am i strange in that i actually ENJOY going up hills? Yes, yes i am.

    PS: Full - Sussers are for SOFTIES AND BIG GIRLS
  • sheepsteeth
    sheepsteeth Posts: 17,418
    none whatsoever, the summer season weighs around 5.5lbs , your gt wont be as heavy as that.
  • so it will be heavier overall? any other suggestions for a tough hardtail frame? I was hoping to decrease the weight if possible, or at least do a like for like swap weight wise...
  • sheepsteeth
    sheepsteeth Posts: 17,418
    what other bits are you putting on the new frame?
  • Everything off my current GT, pretty much a straight swap except for a new bb and headset.
    just need something stronger than my GT frame, I dont feel 100% confident hammering it on rough descents or big drops!
  • kenan
    kenan Posts: 952
    I would of thought the fork on your GT would have been more limiting than the frame.

    I'v got a 456 with a rockshox revelation on the front and its a great bike. I am however looking to get the carbon 456 in the summer. This could be a good option for you as it should be lighter than your GT frame.
  • D-Cyph3r
    D-Cyph3r Posts: 847
    +1 for the carbon 456, definately lighter and it still amazes me how they can sell such a polished and versatile frame for such a low amount.
  • does anyone know the rough weight of an 18" GT frame? I am veeeery tempted by the carbon but as a skint student £500 is pushing it a bit!