Kids and energy drinks

BigG67 Posts: 582
edited February 2011 in The bottom bracket
Not sure if I should ask in the Training section but......

My 12 year old swim trains 6 or 7 hours per week including 2 x 2 hours sessions and I wonder if it'll be OK for him to use an energy drink like SP22 or Torq on the longer sessions? I can only think his carb needs will be as high in those sessions as a 2 hour bike ride or even more, but I'm worried that the drinks aren't suitable for a kid.

Would half strength be better, does he have less carb storage or does smaller muscle mass mean he burns less so he doesn't need the drink?

Anyone know?


  • jim453
    jim453 Posts: 1,360
    He'll be fine without, like we all were.

    Blood transfusion the day before may give him the edge you need though.
  • BigG67
    BigG67 Posts: 582
    It's the 2 hour sessions. He's caned when he comes out, definitely "bonked" I'm just worried the the drinks will be bad for him.
  • Aggieboy
    Aggieboy Posts: 3,996
    My 10 year old girl swims 5 x 2 hours and 1 x 3 hours a week at her club plus school squad training and has done since she was 9, as she trains and competes at a high level. I asked advice a while ago from someone in a position to give such advice, and this is part of the kind reply -

    "As for drinks, I don't think anything beyond sufficient fluids for hydration will be needed, but a bit of carbs won't hurt. I don't think spending lots of money on sports drinks is necessary, especially at this stage. Indeed I suggest the best habit to foster is to gain all the nutrients and energy required from a normal everyday healthy balanced diet and to avoid all supplements and special formulas. In this way, the young mind doesn't get caught in the trap of thinking they need something special, when in fact they don't".

    She does have an extremely good diet and drinks throughout the day to keep hydrated. We do give her a diluted juice bottle as well as a water bottle occasionally, as water can get boring, but I think simple hydration is the key. The other important factor for a w/e long gala is, of course, nutrition throughout the day as well, but I'm sure your aware of that. Common sense and my gut feelings prevail.

    Hope this helps.

    Edit - Just seen your further post. Does he eat enough before swimming and during the day? He needs to refuel leading up to training and immediately after. My daughter eats loads of food and we have school permission to take snack breaks during class to stop her energy levels dropping.
    "There's a shortage of perfect breasts in this world, t'would be a pity to damage yours."
  • 50:50 carton Orange juice & water is a really effective energy/electrolyte drink, natural, low cost and not too sweet. . Formula and brand energy drinks / bars are so sweet you'll be training young palates to crave sweet sweet stuff and washing their teeth in sugar every 10mins for 2-3 hours also not good.

    Despite best efforts, my 10 Y/O's marathon activities confined to the DS / PC / TV. Harumpf.
  • RideOnTime
    RideOnTime Posts: 4,712
    Encouraging such refined sugars would be bananas... oh yes come to mention it bananas. can't beat em. Where would sport be without the banana.
  • Red Bull and skittles, he will swim the channel after tea!!

    (PS This is a joke!!!)
    "BEER" Proof that god loves us and wants us to be happy
  • Tom Butcher
    Tom Butcher Posts: 3,830
    Aren't young teeth more susceptible to decay ? That would be my concern - as someone who had loads of sweets as a kid and now has loads of fillings I wouldn't be giving my kids energy drinks. Fwiw I wouldn't use them on a 2 hour bike ride either.

    it's a hard life if you don't weaken.
  • BigG67
    BigG67 Posts: 582
    Ta folks... :D

    Aggieboy that sounds like decent advice - we do have a problem getting enough down him before the Sat morning session and it's that one especially that he struggles with. Might mix a half strength drink for that one. Other than that I reckon it's a bit of dilute fruit juice to make sure he's drinking enough.

    BTW that's an impressive volume - our head coach won't let anyone under 11 do more than 3 hours a week!

    And bananas, oh yes....eats them like a ruddy chimp.
  • BigG67
    BigG67 Posts: 582
    Sorry should have said, we seem to be hitting the mark on he w/e galas. Miix of fruit, a pasta salad and a couple of Haribo style treats (not in the same bowl) have worked for the last few.