update of my summer

edited February 2011 in Tour & expedition
some of you may remember that i was planning a trip last summer, 2600miles around europe solo and unsupported camping by the side of the road along the way.
The route would take me from limoges in france, south to marseille then along the coast all the way into italy visiting pisa and rome, then to ancona on the east coast of italy and then up over the brenner pass to innsbruck and then through germany to strasbourg and back to limoges.

well, i'm back and alive, i completed the trip in 30 days, despite breaking 3 bones in my hand and wrist on the 4th day. i continued to cycle with a cast on my arm and still managed to complete it within my deadline.

i used a dawes galaxy plus which was lent to me by York Cycleworks and i only had one puncture right at the end of the trip. I had 2 panniers on a rear rack and a handlebar bag containing my valuables. i camped almost every night in a tent which was shorter then i am tall so i could not stretch out fully. cycling in 30 degree heat was exhausting and with only 1 day with rain i still have my tan-lines from the trip.

if anyones interested heres a video of the trip with pictures and some video footage aswell: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNjIcoZ_d9Q

any questions about the trip, just ask away.


  • ralex
    ralex Posts: 85
    Well done!
  • yea i know, thats what my speedo said but im not sure how accurate it was. i was overtaking cars all the way to innsbruck though. one of the scariest most adrenaline pumping things ive done.