Help me find something pretty rare

993TT Posts: 3
edited February 2011 in Commuting general
Hi Guys,

First post here.

Am looking for a retro cool looking bike (flat handle, brooks-esque saddle etc)

but with internal gears - ideally 8, but a 5+ would do.

I do a 10 (20 both ways) mile commute from West London to central London 2-3 days a week. Mostly flats, but there are some steep gradients, I would also take the bike out of London sometimes for weekend rides.

Budget - Up to £800.

Rode the Cooper T100 Zandvoort - lovely bike, but 3 speeds wasnt enough, and it wasnt overly smooth.

Dont like the look of the Charge Mixer, looks too modern and angry.

Love this:

But too expensive, there must be something similar out there?

Any suggestions greatly appreciated


  • The Rookie
    The Rookie Posts: 27,816
    Maybe get an on-one and spec it the way you want (pompetamine for example) maybe this will inspire ... on-dollars

    Happened to be in Harrods yesterady, they had exactly what you describe, I think it was a whyte, but really can't be sure, had a nexus hub gear.

    Currently riding a Whyte T130C, X0 drivetrain, Magura Trail brakes converted to mixed wheel size (homebuilt wheels) with 140mm Fox 34 Rhythm and RP23 suspension. 12.2Kg.
  • warpcow
    warpcow Posts: 1,448
    I think Cotic's Roadrat starts at about £800 with 8spd Alfine.
  • 993TT
    993TT Posts: 3
    Thanks for the responses,

    The Whyte - if I recall has drop handles, and the roadrat looks too modern.

    I love the look of this - but its too expensive:

    £1500, I would forgo the belt drive and some other niceties to get the price down..
  • symo
    symo Posts: 1,743
    we are the proud, the few, Descendents.

    Panama - finally putting a nail in the economic theory of the trickle down effect.
  • Oh my goodness that ti On-One is gorgeous! That's my birthday present sorted then!


    OP - thoroughly admire your sense of style, but I suspect you are going to struggle to find what you are looking for in your price range off the shelf. There are manufacturers who do make super cool, retro style bikes, but they are aimed at the high end market. There are loads of guys here, however, who have created some really gorgeous bikes as personal projects. Perhaps, if you don't have the skills yourself (I certainly don't), you should put out a request in a few of the forums for someone in your area to build your bike up for you from parts indivudually sourced. I'm sure they'd be willing to do it for the fun of it plus a little cash in hand.

    Good luck
  • nation
    nation Posts: 609
    Charge Tap? It's a bit less urban looking than the Mixer.

    The Pashley Roadster Sovereign has a five speed hub, but that might be too retro.
  • Check out German VSF bikes brought into the UK by Bikefix (London).
  • Just spotted in a design magazine. Looks like their stuff might be right up your street.