Planet X model B or C

monkeysm8 Posts: 191
edited February 2011 in Road buying advice
I am after some better wheels for my Defy 3.
I weigh 72Kg but commute with a carradice tour. Would I be better with the Cs or will the Bs be ok???


  • edhornby
    edhornby Posts: 1,780
    if the road surfaces on your commute are crappy then the Cs

    or spend a little more on a set of fulcrum 5s from Merlin and save them for summer rides (and use the current wheels for commuting until they die) :-)
    "I get paid to make other people suffer on my wheel, how good is that"
    --Jens Voight
  • Im pushing 90kg and have used model B's for everything from commuting to racing and sportives.

    I think the model B's are a great wheel and are good for anything.
    Check the reviews from model B owners.
  • I weigh 73-74 and have used model B for everything from the Marmotte to commutes to crits. Wheels run straight and true after 6,000 miles even after an off in the alps that scratched the rim quite badly. I even tested some DA 7850's for a 100 miles - and stuck with the model b's. (The DA's were good - but I couldn't warrant the extra spend for the difference they made for me)

    Probably the best planet x branded things I've bought
  • I've got some DA 7850's and I was going to write how there honestly isn't that big a difference between the wheels when riding.. Thought I'd get abuse so I kept it to myself.

    The planet x are the best value wheels I've ridden.
  • mroli
    mroli Posts: 3,622
    I prefer my Model B's to my Mavic Aksiums - and they are about £40 cheaper.
  • giant_man
    giant_man Posts: 6,878
    Bang for buck I don't know of any wheels better value than my PX Model Bs.

    Light, smooth, quiet and very reliable ...... fantastic for the money.
  • I have a set of model Bs that I am very happy with. I used them for an end to end trip with no worries, carrying a light load and on poor surfaces.

    Bear in mind that the Cs are the same wheel, just with more spokes, so if weight isn't an issue you may as well go with their extra strength.