Development Aid Budget Spent on Pope Visit...

EKIMIKE Posts: 2,232
edited February 2011 in The bottom bracket

"MPs have asked ministers to explain why £1.85m ($3m) from the international development budget was spent on the Pope's UK visit in September."


"Our contribution recognised the Catholic Church's role as a major provider of health and education services in developing countries."

I really don't think the target of 0.7% GDP on Overseas Development was intended to go to the Catholic Church, no matter how much good they might do. Frankly, there are some serious moral issues with the Catholic Church's approach to Development Aid but lets not even go there.

Shifting money around the higher echelons of Aid organisations really has no justification. The "Top Down" approach is full of enough bureaucracy as it is.

Even funnier is that the DFID can't even get their story straight. Contrast the above quote about the Catholic Church's role as a major provider to this:

"Dfid said the cash would not affect overseas aid spending as it was taken from its "running costs" budget."

So which one is it? A budget cut or a donation? It would be funny if there weren't millions dying from poverty annually...
