Club kit

Pork Sword
Pork Sword Posts: 213
edited February 2011 in The bottom bracket
I rejoined a local cycling club (they've been going since 1884 - or so they keep reminding everyone!) in May last year after a break of 3 years due to work commitments. Obviously, being a club member I wanted to get some club kit. I paid a £40 deposit and was told by the clubs race secretary that the kit would be here in a month or 2... seven months later still no sign of the kit! Repeated requests as to the whereabouts of the kit were responded to with lame comments like: " it's an Italian company and they close the factory during the summer" and "it should be here soon" etc. After which I got a bit p***ed off and asked for my deposit back. The guy who had my deposit and his dad the club treasurer are now playing hard ball and whenever I ask when they're going to return my deposit all's they'll say is: "it's in the post!" They have been giving me the same load of bullshit now for the last 7 days. I know that second class post- if they've used it - can be a bit slow but that's just pushing the realms of common sense.

What I want to know is: where do I stand from a legal point of view if they keep messing me around - bearing in mind that the guy who is playing hard ball didn't provide me with a receipt because he was a 'mate' and I saw him as such at the time?

The guy also runs his own cycle courier business in my city so he has no real excuses other than the fact that he feels like messing me around!
let all your saddles be comfy and all your rides less bumpy....


  • problem is that clubs need to place minimum orders as most supplier wont produce one bespoke designs unless it serves a purpose. therefor when clubs don't order in advance they wont be able to get hold of the odd one or too garments. have other newbies joined recently? or any other members ordered additional kit?

    they might be playing hardball to give your money back because they have spent it on your kit. as for where you stand from a legal point of view, i have no idea, but I'd hazard a guess that your pretty much up the creek without a paddle since you have no reciept

    who is the kit supplier? have you considered contacting them directly?
    Crafted in Italy apparantly
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    I know from doing my clubs kit order that leadtimes are very rarely met - and its a pain in the ass to get the order together. Theyre doing it voluntarily and not making money off the members so I'd cut them some slack.

    Why not raise the issue at your next club meeting ? I think thats the proper place to get this sorted out ? You do attend the meetings yeah ?
  • Haven't attended club meetings since the Summer as they hold them on Monday evenings and I work until 10pm on Mondays....

    I wasn't the only club member with an order placed. They've even acknowledged that the order was placed with the factory in June so there wasn't a problem with a minimum order.

    To be honest, I don't really blame the guys for the delay in the kit as these things happen. And I do understand that they do what they do for free etc. and I probably couldn't do their club duties any better than they do... But I do have a problem with their attitude recently as I've been nothing but friendly to them - perhaps a bit too friendly and they're just abusing my trust.

    By the way, they have sold the kit I ordered to another club member so there's no reason why they can't give me a refund ASAP. They're just playing hardball. I know the club has over £4000 in the bank so there shouldn't be a cash flow problem either.

    As for having no receipt... I do have copies of his emails acknowledging the receipt of the cash I gave him so surely that should count for something.

    Anyways... this cycling club mullarcky is more trouble than it's worth sometimes. It's like they're doing you a favour and you should feel thankful that they're allowing you into their little World.

    A public forum like this is probably not the best place to discuss matters such as this so I'll can this topic myself. I'm just venting off a bit of steam...
    let all your saddles be comfy and all your rides less bumpy....
  • Bobbinogs
    Bobbinogs Posts: 4,841
    Citizens Advice, with a view to a small claims court if the matter cannot be settled amicably?

    You are right to be very cordial in your dealings with the chaps (since, as you admit, they are not running the club to make a profit, or even cover their own expense) but you need to set clear and achieveable boundaries so that everyone knows where they are, e.g., "Thanks for posting the cheque but if it isn't here by xxx then, given that you have already sold my kit (or the deposit?) then I will have no choice but to refer the issue to the CAB with a view to starting civil proceedings". Send the above as a recorded delivery (signed for) letter, which will emphasize the formal nature.

    The lack of a clear receipt for your deposit is not something that will undermine your case, just that the receipt would help you win it.

    Might be worth planning an alternative to the club xmas party.
  • Bobbinogs wrote:
    Citizens Advice, with a view to a small claims court if the matter cannot be settled amicably?

    You are right to be very cordial in your dealings with the chaps (since, as you admit, they are not running the club to make a profit, or even cover their own expense) but you need to set clear and achieveable boundaries so that everyone knows where they are, e.g., "Thanks for posting the cheque but if it isn't here by xxx then, given that you have already sold my kit (or the deposit?) then I will have no choice but to refer the issue to the CAB with a view to starting civil proceedings". Send the above as a recorded delivery (signed for) letter, which will emphasize the formal nature.

    The lack of a clear receipt for your deposit is not something that will undermine your case, just that the receipt would help you win it.

    Might be worth planning an alternative to the club xmas party.

    Thanks Bobbinogs! :)

    I'll do exactly that. I always try to keep things cordial but it's hard when the only response you get is akin to a verbal shrug of the shoulders ...
    Will definitely give the Xmas do a miss this year . :wink:
    let all your saddles be comfy and all your rides less bumpy....
  • I always wear a British Cycling shirt on the club run, you wouldn't believe how it winds folk up. :wink::lol:
    Tail end Charlie

    The above post may contain traces of sarcasm or/and bullsh*t.
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 44,060
    What company are making the kit out of interest? If it is Giordana then they were slow with ours but certainly not that slow!!
  • When my club ordered clothing from a well-known UK company, it took forever despite badgering from people in the cycle business at our end, so it does happen FWIW
    DIESELDOG Posts: 2,087
    Our club kit suppliers are very good, we have a lead time of 6 weeks except in summer when Belgium shuts down for two weeks but we get the order in early to account for it. I never ask for payment up front unless it's something that I can't sell in the shop like a skinsuit either.

    Hopefully the members are happy, they've not complained yet but ther's always time I suppose.

    Eagles may soar but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.
  • mattshrops
    mattshrops Posts: 1,134
    Most of us dont appreciate the efforts of those running the clubs. Agreed some can be chocolate starfish but you can find those anywhere. For what its worth i raise my metaphorical glass to you-Large portion of respect due 8) by the way this is not a dig at the op its just the direction the thread led me. :)
    Death or Glory- Just another Story
  • morstar
    morstar Posts: 6,190
    I always wear a British Cycling shirt on the club run, you wouldn't believe how it winds folk up. :wink::lol:

    Very good.

    Out of interest, have you ever tried a national champs jersey? I find they go down rather well also.
  • Pokerface
    Pokerface Posts: 7,960
    I'm not sure the issue here is the manufacturing delay as much as it is the delay in getting the promised refund.

    On the one hand the op has waited several months, what's a few more days. On the other hand, the guy is obviously dragging his feet but it sounds like the refund will eventually arrive.

    I'd keep pestering and it'll get there in the end. Some people just need constant reminders.