Yet another C2W scheme question

fluidz Posts: 14
edited January 2011 in Road buying advice

I've been looking to upgrade my Giant Ocr3 for a while now and having been offered the choice to do so through the Cycle to Work scheme and with days left until the final orders must be handed in im really confused as to what I should pick. The Ocr3 was bought on impulse 3 years ago and i've found the handlebars aren't not even for my height so I reguarly get neck strains by riding short distances and unfortunately they're not adjustable.

Each day I ride 8 miles in total, work and back, via city roads and encounter some short steep hills. I'm looking into doing some longer rides as soon as I upgrade.

Comfort is priority. Speed would be nice too.

Reading around the net there alot of mixed views as to what is the best I can get for my buck.

I've been looking at the Giant-TCR-2-2011, but to be honest I'm clueless whether or not it stands tall over the others.

This is the range im allowed to choose from so please take a look and tell me your opinion of the best choice of roadbikes for under £1000 would be. ... r%20Unisex

