End to End Route??

Paula Bates
Paula Bates Posts: 17
edited February 2011 in Tour & expedition
I am planning to do end to end in 14 days as cheaply as possible but keep hitting a brick wall when it comes to trying to find a map or maps of route options. can anyone help?


  • Hi Paula, We are doing LeJoG & 3 Peaks in june. Our route is LE- Okehampton- Bristol-Ludlow-Chorley-Carlisle-Edinburgh-Newtonmore-Tain-JoG. We are staying in Travelodges for 6 of the nights some of them are only £19.50 (if you are quick!). Plan the route & distance you want to ride each day & check if there is a lodge nearby then book it & plan the riding route using mapmyride or similar. Good luck, Tony :D
  • gazrolo
    gazrolo Posts: 28
    We're doing LEJOG in 10 days, full route mapped out here http://journal.garethroulston.co.uk/?page_id=87 on Google maps. I couldn't believe there wasn't anything out there ready to use.

    We leave in at Easter, looking at the route really excites me and I can't wait now - West of Scotland looks awesome.

    Please let me know if you find our site helpful - I wish I could have found something similar a few weeks ago!

    JOGLE Blog April 2011
    Twitter: G_Rolo
  • harpo
    harpo Posts: 173
    I can't believe that people struggle to find routes for LEJOG. There are loads and loads and loads of end to end blogs. Plenty of these have route maps available through a plethora of mediums. You'll find loads of routes on Garmin Connect, bike route toaster, google maps, map my ride, CTC and other online sources. Find a blog or two that you like the sound of the pace and then find out about their routes. Some go via travel lodges, some camping, some fast some short some long some wquick some youth hostels. Copy or ammend it as you need. I found route finding with a Garmin edge very helpful. I made my routes in this fashion and ammended them with OS level maps on multimap (now bing maps). Also leave capacity to change the route or stopping places unless you book up all you accommodation in advance. You may learn something along the way that you want to pick up on.
  • I am planning to do end to end in 14 days as cheaply as possible but keep hitting a brick wall when it comes to trying to find a map or maps of route options. can anyone help?

    There is no definitive route. The route is entirely of your making. There's plenty of choices on LEJOG blogs but at the end of the day it's up to you which route you take.

    Get a road atlas and plot some of the routes on it and choose one that looks most appealing.