Advice on cycle routes into central Paris

Tim Sluman
Tim Sluman Posts: 34
I'm organising a charity cycle ride from Cheltenham to Paris and am really keen to take to the 15-20 riders right into the centre of the city finishing either at the Arc de Triomphe or Eiffel Tour.. can anyone advise on safe cycle path routes into the city centre, ideally coming in from the northwest (we ride in from Le Havre) or point me to a downloadable cycle routes map of Paris.

Many thanks



  • FransJacques
    FransJacques Posts: 2,148
    This is a well travelled road given there are 6000+ L-P rides a year. Check out Voies Vertes. You'll want too hook up with the Canal de L'Ourcq which'll take you into Paris from the north east. Not the most direct but it's one of the nicest.

    Some key words to pick it up at are Meaux or Pantin.

    Google it and good luck.
    When a cyclist has a disagreement with a car; it's not who's right, it's who's left.
  • chill123
    chill123 Posts: 210
    i did it a few years ago but can't tell u the route i'm afraid. we got horrible lost, asked for directions many times and ended up getting escorted to the arc by a rad guy on a stunt mountain bike!

    bon chance!
  • here is my london paris route from last year
    Burning Fat Not Rubber

    Scott CR1
    Genesis IO ID
    Moda Canon
  • should have added that the route in to central paris was crap but it was a guided tour. i would go more direct next time. that said it was a fairly low traffic route but after three days of free riding its always a anti climax going into a busy city.
    Burning Fat Not Rubber

    Scott CR1
    Genesis IO ID
    Moda Canon