Damn dog...

Philcho Posts: 57
edited January 2011 in Commuting chat
So, its friday, finish early i decide to take the more scenic route home. I get onto the country roads out of town and bam! Some a**hole nearly runs me off of the road, must have been no more than a foot away from my bars literally! :evil:
Anywho rant over, i've just finished climbing a decent hilly stretch recovering on the straight and out of nowhere some little dog jumps out at me, being taking by surprise i shout some expletives before pedaling like mad to try and get away (wuss i know). However to no avail, i forgot my cycle computer so i had no idea what speed i was pedaling but this dog just kept going i almost felt inclined to kick it to the side of the road but if i missed and fell it could have ended badly. :oops: Approximately half a mile and a bust lung later the dog gives up, i wave it goodbye then look up and see why the mutt gave up - the great big hill confronting me... :(
