Bath 100 - anyone done it?

springtide9 Posts: 1,731
Quick question... has anyone done the Bath 100?

I assume around Bath isn't that hilly (compared to the Peaks etc)... so wondering how tough it is?

Haven't ridden a road race/tour before so a bit of a road newby... but did an 8hr/120km MTB race in October (1200m climbing).. so not completely new to cycling.

I would be looking to do the 100 miler ideally. Has this been run before and is so anyone with any comments? (well organised? etc)


  • springtide9
    springtide9 Posts: 1,731 wouldn't be worth doing if it was going to be easy :)

    Rode Bristol -> Westbury (Wilts) on Sunday (around 27 miles) but I think the climbing was only around 500m. Think with a bit of training (as long as it's not a monster hill fest) - it should be doable (well I'm sure I'll complete it.. but how fast is anyone's guess!)

    Can't work out the type of event.. looks like it's more about completing rather than a full on race.. which might be a good intro to' roadie events'.

    Anyone know if it was run last year?
  • springtide9
    springtide9 Posts: 1,731
    Thanks. Sounds like it will be a worthwhile ride :)

    I'm in (as long as the wife doesn't have any plans that weekend - need to act quick!)
  • springtide9
    springtide9 Posts: 1,731
    Stanley222 wrote:
    Whereabouts in Bristol are you?

    Bishopston (near St Andrews) - v near the cricket ground.
  • Linds
    Linds Posts: 20
    Sounds an interesting and hilly proposition - tempting
  • HuwS
    HuwS Posts: 12
    Has this been run before and is so anyone with any comments? (well organised? etc)

    This year is the first running of the Bath 100. I did do the Brecon 100 (also by Action Medical Research) last year and found it to be decently organised with a friendly atmosphere and a wide cross section of machines and abilities

    One thing that you don't get in the Action rides is a timing chip which is fine personally unless of course you want to see how you compare with others.
  • I think that this year they are now doing Timeing Chips, at least I think thats what it said on their website yesterday.

    Also thinking of doing this, as well as the Brecon 100, as both are local for me. Did the Bristol to London with Action for last 3 years and they were well organised with good signage and feed stops.
  • Timiing chips are listed on the website this year.......

    There are a good 7 fairly short but intense climbs and a lengthy climb in the middle for a few km's.

    Opposite side of the country for me, so wont be there, but i think it would be fun in a masochistic sort of way :lol:
    Its Italian, its carbon.....and some lanky tool rides it.
  • springtide9
    springtide9 Posts: 1,731
    Thanks for all of the replies. Just putting a list together so that I can hand it to the boss (the wife) for holiday sign-off's for 2011.
    Stanley222 wrote:
    Stanley222 wrote:
    Whereabouts in Bristol are you?

    Bishopston (near St Andrews) - v near the cricket ground.

    I am in Yate but if you ever want to meet for training rides then give me a shout!

    Will do. Are you a member of any Bristol based clubs? Time is a little precious at the moment (and a bit buggered) as I have entered the Bristol Half (running) Marathon. I'm not a runner and never have been, so it's taking it's toll on the old pins. Once that's out of the way (or when I'm more into the swing of running!).. I'll give you a shout.

    I'm hoping that once the summer is with us..... there will be a few hours in the evening to get out for a ride. Have small children (like many of us)... so does mean time is limited :)
  • springtide9
    springtide9 Posts: 1,731
    Sorry not had much time to even think about this as 'I bit of a bit more than I should have' in entering the Bath Half (marathon)... which up until Xmas I'd only run for about a month (and before that not for about 20 years!)

    But I have entered and the summer is on it's way [so will check out nbcc :) ]

    Anyone else riding the event? A worthy note is that it's also Mothers Day!