Saw an accident this morning....

Headhuunter Posts: 6,494
edited January 2011 in Commuting chat
.....Nothing too major. I was heading along Farringdon Rd (I turn left onto Charterhouse St) and a Ford Transit van (possibly a BT van?) started to indicate to head into the left lane (which I was in), however as he indicated he simply started to move across, with apparent complete disregard for traffic already in the lane. I managed to squeeze through before he hit me and the gap closed completely (as I passed he blasted his hirn at me). However he smashed into the moped that was following behind me. I heard a crunch and turned to see the impact.

I went back to see if everyone was OK. Everyone was, I think some cosmetic damage to the moped and the van's wing mirror. What annoyed me was that the van driver was telling the moped driver that he had indicated and when I arrived started to demand to know whether I had seen him indicating. I said yes but that doesn't give you carte blanche to simple move across! Surely it's mirror, signal,. manoeuvre, not signal, close eyes, manoeuvre and run anything over that's already in the lane you and heading into!

The driver was adamant that he was right and believed that once he had indicated he could do whatever he liked. What a tool. I left my number as a witness.

Hearing attitudes like that makes me a little scared to be out there on the roads!
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  • Dudu
    Dudu Posts: 4,637
    You should have involved the constabulary, who might have disabused the van driver of his opinion.
    People need to be told what to do so badly they'll listen to anyone
  • Headhuunter
    Headhuunter Posts: 6,494
    Well he didn't hit me, I just saw what happened so I left it to the moped rider to do that...
    Do not write below this line. Office use only.
  • downfader
    downfader Posts: 3,686
    Have had the same thing said to me as idiots cut across the lane. It makes you feel like they're trying it on hoping to get rid. Mine werent close though, thankfully.
  • Drayk
    Drayk Posts: 45
    I'd punch the side of the van if it did that.
    Carrera Vengeance Ultimate