Ride and Park? Opinions.

MTBanj Posts: 2
edited January 2011 in Commuting general
Hello everybody,

I would like to pick your brains. I commute the 5 miles to work on my bike in school holidays [school run en-route the rest of the time] and apart from the occasional inconsiderate driver, I have no real problems. I work in a warehouse unit with no dress-code, the run to work is mainly downhill [workout going home] so I arrive reasonably fresh but I was reading through some of things other commuters have to go through plus the warehouse unit next door became vacant recently :idea:

What do you think of the idea of having a place near the tube network [London for now] where you could ride to, park your bike and catch the tube?
There would be attendants to carefully rack and retrieve your bike, showers, lockers for suits etc, a laundry service and even on-site bike servicing and a daily spares-run from a local bike shop.

At the moment, this is just in initial concept phase, if it starts looking positive, I would have to research routes and ideal locations, it's too much to hope that the unit that happens to be between me and the drycleaners would be a good location but what I really need to know is:

Does this idea have any appeal?

How far into London does it need to be? I'm in Loughton [eastern outskirts of London accessible by Central line] but perhaps somewhere deeper into town like Stratford would be better?

How much would it be worth to a cycle commuter to have such a service. How much would you be willing to pay for the 'core' service; park bike, shower, locker? Laundry, bike service, etc. would all be optional chargeable extras and would be competitively priced.

Finally, even if you have commuting sussed and have eliminated all the problems, what is your considered opinion based on friends colleagues comments, ["if they had showers at my office, I would ride in"] on whether or such a service would convert others?

Many thanks.



  • the most people will commute sensibly is about an hours ride so 10-15 miles.

    the costs of this service will likely be more than they are paying for fuel and parking at present.

    most people do it the other way they would drive to loughton and cycle in .

    just my 2c
    Veni Vidi cyclo I came I saw I cycled