Anyone know of rides based from Malaga area?...

hopper1 Posts: 4,389
Going to be doing a course for work, in Torremolinos next month, so decided to take bike with me.
Anyone have any decent courses from this area, please?

Start with a budget, finish with a mortgage!


  • andy_nD
    andy_nD Posts: 40
    Don't know much about longer rides, but the climb from Benalmadena Costa or Fuengirola (a few kms down the N-340) up towards Mijas is well worth checking out - a pretty constant 10-11% for a good 5kms, with a further 5km of about the same up towards the radio masts on top of the Cerro Del Moro. Views from the top are pretty spectacular, and a nice climb to get there - good road surface, and the second part of the climb is very quiet. Check out for more info.
  • FJS
    FJS Posts: 4,820
    The Puerto del Leon from Malaga is a great climb, with beautiful views and a road at one point making a weird loop through a tunnel, from sea level to about 1000 m - and an amazing descent too. Olias just East of Malaga is great too.

    The road North of Malaga to Villanueva, El Torcal and Antequera is nice. El Torcal is a fine climb - not too long, but great sceney.

    The Canyon at El Chorro, North-West of Malaga, is spectacular, good on a bike, but probably best for hiking.

    If you have a car or get a train, the mountains West of Ronda are great, and relatively quiet. In fact, the backroads inland from Malaga are surprisingly quiet too; it's just the coast that is completely built-up tourist-hell. And, Malaga itself is a surprisingly pleasant not-too-touristy city.
  • hopper1
    hopper1 Posts: 4,389
    Cheers guys.
    I lived in Fuengirola (Mijas Costa), for 5 years, but wasn't a roadie then!
    I know Ronda like the back of my hand, was great on the GSX-R :twisted:
    As you say, the roads are quiet once off the main drag. Not sure how the lighting will be after finishing the course every day.
    Thanks again, I now have a memory jog to aid some more route planning.
    Start with a budget, finish with a mortgage!