Anyone cycled in Morocco?

ricktabor1 Posts: 272
edited January 2011 in Tour & expedition
Hi everyone,

It has been suggested, by one of my touring buddies, that we should try Morocco for a tour (maybe next year). I was just wondering if anyone had done any cycling there or knows of any good routes.

P.S. Probably a week, combining camping and hosteling.
Got to get up to get down


  • dbmnk
    dbmnk Posts: 217
    yeah, I know these guys did it:

    they told about a guide who knew this sort of terrain.
  • amaferanga
    amaferanga Posts: 6,789
    I did a short (2.5 week) tour from Marakech into the Atlas Mountains. I can't remember our exact route without looking back at my maps/diary though and I have no idea where they are at the moment. I know that we headed south on the N9 over Tizi n Tichka then turned left off the main road not long after. We passed through Ourzazate and headed south a bit on the main road again before turning left again and heading into the Anti Atlas. Crossed a mountain pass on a track to get to Boumalne Dades and then up Todra Gorge and on to Imilchil. Think we then joined the main N8 at Beni Mellal and took that back to Marakech (a long, flat, boring day).

    It was a great tour, especially as we avoided asphalt most of the way and kept away from the most touristic (vile) places as much as possible (though the tranquility as we reached the summit of some of the passes was broken by groups of American tourists congratulating themselves for successfully being driving up the mountain by a guide).

    Best thing to do is to get hold of the most detailed maps of Morocco you can find and plan from there. There are some fantastic mountain passes. The famous ones tend to be over-run with packs of 4x4s though unfortunately (as is Todra Gorge until the asphalt runs out). I got some ideas from Nick Crane's book Atlas Biker - I'd hoped to follow some of his route through the Atlas, but we just didn't have the time to potentially get very lost.

    I'd say you'd need at least a couple of weeks though otherwise you'll just be getting into the mountains before you need to turn round and head out again.
    More problems but still living....
  • jc4lab
    jc4lab Posts: 554
    Did simlar route as above but only with a cycling holday company in a group..Minibus then select rides..Atlas mountains was exceptional...99.99% of locals were friendly and delighted to see you..highfiving you as you pass but then the odd brick from a small kid flies past your head.just to remind you aint in paradise
  • Thanks guys, that's really helpful.

    I Think i might buy the book that you mentioned by Nick Crane - sounds like a good start. I feel a lot more clued up than before now.

    Got to get up to get down
  • If you only have a week – you might consider taking a bus to the top of Tizi-n-Tichka and from there cycling through the Mountains. Then at the end of your trip you can catch a bus back to Marrakech. That will leave you more time to ride. Morocco has great off-road cycling!

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