Anyone else get mild flu-like symptons after exercise?

davmaggs Posts: 1,008
edited January 2011 in Commuting chat
Having been fit a couple of years I let it slide quite badly and have finally decided to stop the rot and get back out there.

One thing I have noticed is that the day after training I have what feels like a head cold and generally feel a bit ill. Thinking back it was something I suffered from a few years ago when I used to do really big sessions or endurance events and I was in good shape then.

Google seems clogged up with pseudo-science and diagnosis from homeopathy followers so its not proving helpful, although a lot of people seem to have the same thing.

Anyone get this or have ideas for a fix as I'm sure that hydration isn't an issue?


  • I'd hazard a guess that you have a cold-type virus sitting there that has never gone away, and takes hold when you run yourself down a bit.

    Try some multivitamins for a couple of weeks, and see how it goes. I had something similar once, and that worked for me (although I stayed on them for a bit longer than a couple of weeks. Plus big doses of vitamin B (IIRC) = you pee yellow highlighter ink!)
    Swim. Bike. Run. Yeah. That's what I used to do.

    Bike 1
    Bike 2-A
  • robz400
    robz400 Posts: 160
    Not after normal training but if I have a particularly tough session then I can feel like complete crap the next day.

    Up until a year ago I was competing in professional Thai Boxing and was training 6 days a week. We had one session a week on Wednesdays for fighters only that was 2 hours long and involved hill running, circuits and very heavy sparring for extended round times.

    I used to be a complete physical wreck every Thursday with what your describing, so maybe you're just training too hard too often......
  • crankycrank
    crankycrank Posts: 1,830
    Since you're asking I had a similar situation years ago and turned out to be a deviated septum. This is when your nasal cartilage is deformed causing blockage in your sinus and preventing the mucus to drain properly which then festers and creates infection similar to flu or head cold symptoms. Cycling certainly increases the mucus flow and aggravates the situation. This can be corrected with a relatively minor operation. A longshot diagnosis of course but worth looking into.
  • Philcho
    Philcho Posts: 57
    I felt like that on Saturday last week after going on a long ride friday but i just figured it was because i went out in shorts in the snow :oops: