Two new Sportives for 2011


Just a couple of new events to tell you about, plus a reminder of one already established.

Entries are being taken for the Discover Rutland CiCLE Tour on Saturday 16th April 2011.

A lot of effort is already going into making the weekend one to remember, with additional events being planned for the Saturday evening and Sunday morning, as well as the big event itself. I will keep you posted when these are finalized. The event is now associated with Hope Against Cancer, and you can either donate online with your entry or on the day if you wish.

The routes are exactly the same as last year, so you have the chance to train over the winter to improve on last year’s time.

Enter the Discover Rutland CiCLE Tour 2011 here

I am also running two other Sportives next year

The Lincoln Grand Prix Sportive on Saturday 7th May 2011 Enter Here

The Hope Against Cancer Leicestershire SuperTour on Saturday 11th of June 2011 Enter Here

For accommodation on the weekend of the CiCLE Tour see
For more information on the International CiCLE Classic go to
The above events are also supported by
