anyone see that complete berk on BBC TV this morning ?

northernneil Posts: 1,549
edited January 2011 in The bottom bracket
some enormously obese Motoring 'Journalist' who made a complete ar5e h0l3 of himself. He stated he has never seen a single cyclist ever cycle properly !!!

anyone catch his name ?


  • Jason Dawe by any chance ?
  • northernneil
    northernneil Posts: 1,549
    no, I know him,

    this guy was much fatter
  • Much fatter you say ? how big was he ?
  • beverick
    beverick Posts: 3,461
    some enormously obese Motoring 'Journalist' who made a complete ar5e h0l3 of himself. He stated he has never seen a single cyclist ever cycle properly !!!

    anyone catch his name ?

    To be fair, cyclists that try to even ride in line with the spirit of the law are a minority.

  • Adam Rayner ?

    If so he used to run max power, which will say all you need to know about him as an indivdual
  • beverick wrote:
    some enormously obese Motoring 'Journalist' who made a complete ar5e h0l3 of himself. He stated he has never seen a single cyclist ever cycle properly !!!

    anyone catch his name ?

    To be fair, cyclists that try to even ride in line with the spirit of the law are a minority.


    Well count me in that minority
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,691
    beverick wrote:
    some enormously obese Motoring 'Journalist' who made a complete ar5e h0l3 of himself. He stated he has never seen a single cyclist ever cycle properly !!!

    anyone catch his name ?

    To be fair, cyclists that try to even ride in line with the spirit of the law are a minority.


    Well count me in that minority

    Me too, even try to cycle responsibly when the law doesn't demand like moving into single file to help motorists pass if it is safe to do so.
  • Hoopdriver
    Hoopdriver Posts: 2,023
    count me in that minority too.
  • pb21
    pb21 Posts: 2,171
    I hardly ever see any drivers that drive properly.
  • Richard_D
    Richard_D Posts: 320
    Count me, the other half and the 20 or so cyclists I saw cycling in the Newforest and Salisbury this weekend in that minority. I only saw one who did not and he was on a mountain bike with no lights in the twilight.
  • northernneil
    northernneil Posts: 1,549
    me too, unless my life is in danger ... which I can assure you has happened where if I DIDN'T break the law I would be dead.... same has happened to me whilst driving so I dont feel any consciousness about it.

    it was Adam Raynor, a google search confirmed it was this hulking sweaty mess ......
  • Mombee
    Mombee Posts: 170
    Radio 5 had a short piece on the Breakfast show discussing whether cars and bikes could co-exist more safely - all following the death of Gary Mason last week. Radio 5 lined up a cycle representative (from the CTC, I think) and a motoring journalist.

    Any normal debate would recognise both sides of the argument... cars are big tin boxes and cyclists are easily squashed... some cars drivers are muppets, as are some cyclists.

    So why is it that every time we have a car-bike debate on the media, the car representative get's on some enormous high-horse, claims that all cyclists ride like the possessed and calls for legislation to enforce better hand signals.

    So what if a few cyclists choose to jump red lights, it doesn't give the motoring world to run down every other cyclist with impunity. When the motoring community gets a reasonable spokesman, we'll start to listen, until then they can take a running jump :-) ... more than just bikes.
    Cannondale CAADX Disc
  • I saw the cretinous offspring of Clare Rayner this morning and he uttered the words :

    " I passed my cycle proficiency test and have yet to see anybody cycle and indicate correctly "

    Here's some news for you ....If you actually cycled maybe you'd be less rotund with a more balanced view on life.
  • Bobbinogs
    Bobbinogs Posts: 4,841
    Blimey, not sure he would find a buff big enough to wrap that neck! He needs a goatee so that we can spot his chin :)
  • nevman
    nevman Posts: 1,611
    White van turned across me while I was overtaking slow moving traffic-he didnt see me as he wasnt looking for me-I avoided him by turning into the opposing carriageway
    Who was at fault Adam?
    He wouldnt be able to mount up IMHO,get it?
    Whats the solution? Just pedal faster you baby.

    Summer B,man Team Carbon LE#222
    Winter Alan Top Cross
    All rounder Spec. Allez.
  • dilemna
    dilemna Posts: 2,187
    me too, unless my life is in danger ... which I can assure you has happened where if I DIDN'T break the law I would be dead.... same has happened to me whilst driving so I dont feel any consciousness about it.

    it was Adam Raynor, a google search confirmed it was this hulking sweaty mess ......

    Crikey what a fat bastard! I know it has nothing to do with the issue but still ............. His mum was huge as well.

    Perhaps if he actually did some exercise, better still cycling, he would lose some of his obese weight. With berks like him and James Martin in high profile media roles spouting inflamatory bollox about cycling we need to frequently challenge it and not let this aggressive anti cycling mentallity continue as the costs are just too high. RIP Gary Mason all the other cyclists killed on the roads by dangerous motons.
    Life is like a roll of toilet paper; long and useful, but always ends at the wrong moment. Anon.
    Think how stupid the average person is.......
    half of them are even more stupid than you first thought.
  • Flasheart
    Flasheart Posts: 1,278
    beverick wrote:
    some enormously obese Motoring 'Journalist' who made a complete ar5e h0l3 of himself. He stated he has never seen a single cyclist ever cycle properly !!!

    anyone catch his name ?

    To be fair, cyclists that try to even ride in line with the spirit of the law are a minority.


    Beverick, I was going to have a blast at you but I thought different of it when I saw your location. East Timor..Yes being an Aussie I actually even know where East Timor actually is and have a general idea of what it is like. I have lived in the UK since 1992.
    The BBC story was regarding cyclists in the UK, NOT Southeast Asia, the majority and I include myself and most of the contributors on these forums in this group, DO ride on the roads in a responsible manner and don't flout the law.
    I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt in this. I don't know if you have ever lived in the UK, but if you haven't you shouldn't really generalise about a topic you may not know about mate. East Timor REALLY cannot be compared in ANY way to major cities in the UK
    As I said I don't know you mate so I'm playing Devil's Advocate

    I saw the fat slobbering overweight sweating excuse for Jabba the Hutt on BBC TV live this morning (TF I have a big telly) and I immediatly thought that if ANYBODY should get on a bike for their life's was him :evil:
    The universal aptitude for ineptitude makes any human accomplishment an incredible miracle. ...Stapp’s Ironical Paradox Law
  • downfader
    downfader Posts: 3,686
    I believe the motoring journalist is on here too: ... 0_01_2011/

    2hours 20mins in
  • beverick wrote:
    some enormously obese Motoring 'Journalist' who made a complete ar5e h0l3 of himself. He stated he has never seen a single cyclist ever cycle properly !!!

    anyone catch his name ?

    To be fair, cyclists that try to even ride in line with the spirit of the law are a minority.


    I don't agree, most cyclist do resoect the law, in the same way most drivers do. It's the stupid minority that spoil it for the majority as ever. What I find more depressing is the them and us attitude - I drive a car and ride a bike, I have seen idiots using both forms of transport; we should be addressing the problem of educating idiots not banning or licensing ways of getting about. As ever, the BBC magnificently miss the point again....
  • downfader
    downfader Posts: 3,686
    beverick wrote:
    some enormously obese Motoring 'Journalist' who made a complete ar5e h0l3 of himself. He stated he has never seen a single cyclist ever cycle properly !!!

    anyone catch his name ?

    To be fair, cyclists that try to even ride in line with the spirit of the law are a minority.


    I don't agree, most cyclist do resoect the law, in the same way most drivers do. It's the stupid minority that spoil it for the majority as ever. What I find more depressing is the them and us attitude - I drive a car and ride a bike, I have seen idiots using both forms of transport; we should be addressing the problem of educating idiots not banning or licensing ways of getting about. As ever, the BBC magnificently miss the point again....

    Its as someone on CC said - the Beeb just want an argument for ratings.

    They could very easily do a peice where an expert explains "you wont have plates on bikes because.. you dont need insurance because... you pay ved because..." They wont do that because a sweaty prat (who I was once told has more than his fair share of parking tickets, anyone confirm this?) is ratings gold and justifies every prejudice many feel about motoring, including the lazy attitude towards it.

    Send BBC Breakfast your views, experiences and critique of Raynors rant:

    Twitter: @bbcbreakfast

  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,691
    Unfortunately, my 400m walk from work to the car park last night showed why it is that some people hold these views of cyclists. The first cyclist I saw was an experienced looking commuter who had 2 front lights on his bike, neither of which were switched on. The next one I saw missed me by no more than a foot as she shot out of the end of a pedestrianised area and straight across a signal junction (coming out of pedestrianised area so no lights to stop at) with hardly a glance and seemed completely oblivious to both pedestrians and traffic. I then saw two cyclists waiting patiently at lights with all the lights on their bikes before a pavement cyclist weaving along among crowds of pedestrians and finally saw a cyclist with the biggest, brightest pair of headlights I've ever seen who chose not to give way to pedestrians on a zebra crossing and instead weaved his way through them.

    I'm not sure any more if the majority cycle in accordance with the law but there is at least a significant minority that don't and, as with bad drivers, they are the ones that tend to get noticed. It is obviously worse in the most urban areas as that is where there are the most lights to jump or where traffic is heaviest and scares the more nervous cyclist onto the footway. It also doesn't matter if it is someone cycling a mile to work on a supermarket special or a lycra clad club rider on a £3k carbon bike, they are all cyclists and to a non-cyclist there is no difference. This is why it's so important that we all follow the 'rules of the road' even when we think they are a bit pointless and breaking the rules doesn't hurt anyone - it still gives idiots like this bloke the ammo he needs as someone watching will think "yes, he's right - I almost hit a cyclist last night as he had no lights on and jumped a red light".
  • downfader
    downfader Posts: 3,686
    Pross wrote:
    Unfortunately, my 400m walk from work to the car park last night showed why it is that some people hold these views of cyclists. The first cyclist I saw was an experienced looking commuter who had 2 front lights on his bike, neither of which were switched on. The next one I saw missed me by no more than a foot as she shot out of the end of a pedestrianised area and straight across a signal junction (coming out of pedestrianised area so no lights to stop at) with hardly a glance and seemed completely oblivious to both pedestrians and traffic. I then saw two cyclists waiting patiently at lights with all the lights on their bikes before a pavement cyclist weaving along among crowds of pedestrians and finally saw a cyclist with the biggest, brightest pair of headlights I've ever seen who chose not to give way to pedestrians on a zebra crossing and instead weaved his way through them.

    I'm not sure any more if the majority cycle in accordance with the law but there is at least a significant minority that don't and, as with bad drivers, they are the ones that tend to get noticed. It is obviously worse in the most urban areas as that is where there are the most lights to jump or where traffic is heaviest and scares the more nervous cyclist onto the footway. It also doesn't matter if it is someone cycling a mile to work on a supermarket special or a lycra clad club rider on a £3k carbon bike, they are all cyclists and to a non-cyclist there is no difference. This is why it's so important that we all follow the 'rules of the road' even when we think they are a bit pointless and breaking the rules doesn't hurt anyone - it still gives idiots like this bloke the ammo he needs as someone watching will think "yes, he's right - I almost hit a cyclist last night as he had no lights on and jumped a red light".

    Where abouts are you based, Pross?

    As I've said elsewhere the motorists and pedestrians, and even the cyclists who moan about the transgressors need to keep badgering the cops. It is not down to us or some motorist to exact justice (though christ knows I've had a word a couple of times) no matter how bad or annoying we find them.

    My intuition tells me that we hear a lot of pundets, radio hosts and media types moaning about us because they are based in London, and many London cyclists I know through the forums tell me they see a great deal of transgression. Most of the bad cycling videos are from there too. The bad thiing is that people then project a local picture as a national one, when many behave elsewhere. :?
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,691
    This was in Cardiff, I'm more in the sticks myself and most cyclists I see are behaving themselves there but then there's no need to jump red lights if there aren't any :lol:
  • downfader
    downfader Posts: 3,686
    Pross wrote:
    This was in Cardiff, I'm more in the sticks myself and most cyclists I see are behaving themselves there but then there's no need to jump red lights if there aren't any :lol:

    Its like I say down here... use the red light to rest and catch your breath. I dont see why they do it, such a waste of energy. :lol:
  • sub55
    sub55 Posts: 1,025
    i have posted this before
    its wrong but awesome to watch
    constantly reavalueating the situation and altering the perceived parameters accordingly
  • sturmey
    sturmey Posts: 964
    its wrong but awesome to watch

    Oh,the folly of youth. No sense of self-preservation in this vid at all. Half of the risks taken by those riders relied on the mercy of other drivers to not cream them off the road. Seriously naive.

    Also, pedestrians have occasionally been killed by cyclists riding in this fashion.
    Usually ends in a jail sentence. That's when the fun stops.
  • downfader
    downfader Posts: 3,686
    sturmey wrote:
    its wrong but awesome to watch

    Oh,the folly of youth. No sense of self-preservation in this vid at all. Half of the risks taken by those riders relied on the mercy of other drivers to not cream them off the road. Seriously naive.

    Also, pedestrians have occasionally been killed by cyclists riding in this fashion.
    Usually ends in a jail sentence. That's when the fun stops.

    A Judge is prolly more inclined to send a cyclist to jail than a motorist imo. I hate that video so much, always satifying to see the fella sling the bottle at him on the end of the vid.
  • mm1
    mm1 Posts: 1,063
    At least it was easy to spot the motoring journalsit on the BBC Breakfast sofa! His brother is Jay Rayner the food critic, who is also a large unit. This one is morbidly obese on a far more impressive scale though, so evidently less discriminating - must simply order the entire menu. I ciould post what Drs really say in private about patients who achieve this stature (my sister is a Gastro consult), but this would get me barred for life and half the medical profession struck off. Ignore the oaf.
  • Tom BB
    Tom BB Posts: 1,001
    sub55 wrote:
    i have posted this before
    its wrong but awesome to watch

    :x It really isnt
  • beverick wrote:
    some enormously obese Motoring 'Journalist' who made a complete ar5e h0l3 of himself. He stated he has never seen a single cyclist ever cycle properly !!!

    anyone catch his name ?

    To be fair, cyclists that try to even ride in line with the spirit of the law are a minority.


    I don't agree, most cyclist do resoect the law, in the same way most drivers do. It's the stupid minority that spoil it for the majority as ever. What I find more depressing is the them and us attitude - I drive a car and ride a bike, I have seen idiots using both forms of transport; we should be addressing the problem of educating idiots not banning or licensing ways of getting about. As ever, the BBC magnificently miss the point again....

    yay at last a sensible post on the subject , and its nice to see one that isn't resorting to personal attacks.

    i like to call thoise amongst us in the cycling fraternity who do ride like idiots cyclunts.
    Veni Vidi cyclo I came I saw I cycled